• Rupture •

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"The first thing you want to do is make sure the animal is safely sedated under the anesthetics before proceeding." Sanggu explains to Hoseok the basics of surgery, using a surgery dog dummy he "borrowed" from the university.

Today was the first of many sessions Sanggu with undergo with Hoseok to get him ready for his final exams. He wants Hoseok to be prepared, both mentally and physically. He also wants to prepare Hoseok so thst he can prove to his asshole teacher that he can pass his class.

"Start with drawing blood." He shows Hoseok where to insert needles and how to find veins on the dummy's leg.

Hoseok nearly gags when he sees the blood flow down the small injection tube.

"Now you try. Take the needle and feel for the vein first. Then slowly insert it until the blood flows." Sanggu presents the needle for Hoseok.

Hoseok is hesitant, his limbs shuddering, skin going slightly pale.

"C'mon kid, I know you can do this." Sanggu encourages, nudging for Hoseok to take the needle.

Hoseok takes the instrument in his trembling hand and lowers it to the dummys leg.

"Good. Now insert it here." Sanggu points out to the obvious vein on the dummys leg.

With his heart nearly breaking out his ass, Hoseok places the needle in the designated spot and inserts it just as Sanggu taught him, successfully drawing blood.

"I did!!" Hoseok cheers, feeling light headed from the sight of blood. "I..I-" he feels the ground beneath him shift, his vision going hazy.

"Woah, Hoseok!" Sanggu holds Hoseok upright before he gets a chance to faint. "Alright kid, lets take a break, you've done well." He sets the medical equipment aside and guides Hoseok over to his office chair in the corner of the room.

"I'm sorry Sanggu." Hoseok mutters in defeat, ashamed that he almost fainted at his first ever successful injection.

"Don't beat yourself up kid. You did good for the first time." Sanggu praises while opening his mini fridge and taking out a bottle of water for Hoseok. "Most wouldn't have been able to grab the needle without running away, so thats progress in my eyes." He adds, handing the beverage to Hoseok.

Hoseok takes the water and opens it, getting down a few gulps to ease away the nausea and the light headedness. Unfortunately, It doesn't ease away his embarassment or his burdens.

"Don't beat yourself up Hoseok. This is good progress." Sanggu encourages when noticing the gloomy gaze on Hoseok's face.

"But the exams are just around the corner and I'm still not ready." Hoseok tells him with a huff of frustration. "I want to get used to seeing blood and using a surgical knife."

"You will soon Hoseok. We will practice as much as we can. Soon you'll be able to do surgery with your eyes closed."

Hoseok snorts, feeling appreciative of Sanggu's support. "Thanks Sanggu. Really, thank you so much for helping me."

Sanggu rolls his eyes, not used to the mushy stuff. "Don't mention it kid. You got a good heart and that's what the animals love in you. They tell me all the time."

Hoseok slightly glares at Sanggu. "You need to teach me how to understand them. Because from my point of view, you look like a crazy old man talking to animals."

"Aish!! Don't make me kick your ass." Hoseok laughs at Sanggu's reply. "Its all about studying their body language and looking them in the eyes. Its a skill that not many people have."

"Honestly, nobody but your semi crazy ass can speak with animals." Hoseok rolls his seat away before Sanggu can kick him.


Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now