• Reaching into the Abyss •

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"I have found the perfect way to help you with your blood phobia." Yoongi tells Hoseok when they meet up at Hoseok's house after work.

Yoongi made sure Hoseok's family wasn't home so he could set up his plan.

Hoseok gulps, visibly looking bothered by what Yoongi has planned. "What is it?" He asks, already regretting it when he sees a gummy grin on Yoongi's face.

"Just follow me." He says as he leads Hoseok upstairs, heading straight to Hoseok's room.

Yoongi closes the door and locks them in, then guides Hoseok to the bathroom.

As soon as Yoongi turns the light on, Hoseok covers his mouth to hide his scream.

"Yoongi, what the fuck is this?" Hoseok utters under a hollowed tone, eyes wide as saucers as he looks at his bathroom sink that was filled to the top with blood.

"What do you think?" Yoongi says, chucking at the glare Hoseok shoots at him.

"Is..is this real?" Hoseok regretfully asks.

Yoongi smiles brightly at Hoseok.

"Yoongi! You promised you wouldn't kill anyone!"

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "I didn't kill anyone. This is animal blood."

"WHAT!?" Hoseok suddenly feels nauseous, his hands begin to shake as black dots flutter across his vision. "You...killed an animal?" His soft heart was already in mourning for the poor defenseless creature Yoongi sacrificed.

Yoongi deeply rolls his eyes. "No sunshine. I got this from work."

Hoseok blinks, confusion overriding his distress.

"Long story short, the owner of the chicken place runs a black market scheme. He has blood bags in the basement of his restaurant, pigs blood to be precise."

Hoseok could only stare in silence, not daring to ask why. "So that explains why you told him that you can ruin his business." He says, remembering the conversation Yoongi had with the owner over the phone.

Yoongi nods. "I'm not the only one who's fucked in the head." He giggles. "But I am the craziest of them all."

"Obviously," Hoseok says as he casts his gaze back to the blood in his sink.

He feels his hands tremble, his nausea getting increasingly worse. "So how are you planning on helping me with my phobia?" He asks, looking to Yoongi for a reply.

The psycho grins in response and stands next to Hoseok. He then grabs Hoseok's hand and holds it an inch over the bloody surface. "You need to face your fear head-on." He says as he slowly pushes Hoseok's hand closer to the blood.

Hoseok squirms, trying to pry his hand back, but the psycho forces Hoseok's hand into the blood.

The feeling of the blood on his hands sends a shiver down Hoseok's spine, making him whimper in disapproval. "I don't like this." He complains, closing his eyes as he feels the oozy texture of the blood.

"Just relax. Your body will get used to the feeling in a bit." Yoongi sounds so sure of himself. "Breathe." He says into Hoseok's ear.

Hoseok does just that. He breathes in and out, keeping himself focused while twirling his fingers inside the blood.

Yoongi presses his body onto Hoseok, resting his chin on Hoseok's shoulder as he stares at their reflection in the mirror.

Guide him into the abyss his insanity tells him as it stands by the corner of the bathroom. Set him free

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now