• Tough Love •

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Trigger Warning: abuse / suicidal thoughts

"Jungkook, you better go home before your father arrives first." Jimin urges the younger as he looks to the clock on the wall, seeing its close to ten.

Jungkook glances up at the clock, then reassures himself and looks down at his phone. "Its fine hyung. My father is working with the serial killer case so he won't be back until the morning."

Jimin and Taehyung look to each other, then to Jungkook. "Baby, go home. Don't give that man another reason to hurt you again." Taehyung says, gently gliding his hand along Jungkooks wrist, which still has a faint bruise from the last encounter with his father.

Jungkook slowly retracts his arm, giving them both a small smile. "I said it's okay. My father will come home tomorrow."

"You said that last time, and he ended up coming home early." Jimin reminds him, glancing at Jungkook's bruised wrist. "Go now Jungkook, I'm being serious."

"Jimin is right baby, you need to go home now." Taehyung says, gathering his books into his backpack. "I'm heading home as well. My parents are extra paranoid because of the serial killer, and I don't want to make them worry."

Jungkook sighs in frustration while shoving his books into his backpack. He doesn't want to go home, doesn't want to return to the four walls painted with physical and emotional trauma.

"Baby, I'm just trying to keep you safe from his beatings." Taehyung says when seeing just how upset Jungkook got. "Just until I can figure out a way to get you out of there."

"I'll never be able to get away from him." Jungkook mutters with distaste. He knows Taehyung and Jimin are just looking out for him, still, he hated how they worry so much about him. He feels he's burdening them with his problems, feels that if they keep staying around him, they'll get hurt too.

They say goodbye to Jimin and leave his apartment. Taehyung then drives Jungkook back home, stopping right in front of his small house with the dirty picket fence surrounded by dull and dead grass, much like how Jungkook feels inside.

Dull and dead.

It's silent between them, Jungkook can feel Taehyung's observant eyes on him, reading him like an open book, with each page frayed and ripped by emotional trauma.

"Let's just runaway from here, start over in a new city." Jungkook says, his sudden request breaking the silence.

Taehyung snorts, Jungkook glares at him. He wasn't joking.

"Jungkook, you and I don't even have alot of money to begin with. Also, I have my family here, I can't just leave them behind."

Jungkook bites his lip, a wash of selfishness pours over him like cold water. "But aren't I important to you?" he asks, now staring down at his lap, still chewing his bottom lip to suppress the tears that threaten to escape.

Taehyung takes hold of Jungkook's hand, then lifts his chin up with the other, looking Jungkook in the eyes. "You are important to me, more than anything." he says, Jungkook knows he's serious since he see's no humor in Taehyung's eyes, just the profound love and loyalty Taehyung has always given him. "But running away won't solve our problems, yours especially."

Just like that, Jungkook slumps back into his seat like a deflated balloon, with a sigh of frustration airing out through his thin lips. "I'm really considering on finding that serial killer and have him kill my father."

Taehyung grins to that. "Me too baby." he pats Jungkook's thigh. "But we can't rely on wishful thinking to solve our problems."

"Then what the fuck do we do? I'm so fucking tired of living with him!" Jungkook raised his voice, his frustrations slipping through the torn pages of his book.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now