• Toxic Touches •

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Hoseok drops the bag of rabbit food, small pellets scattering everywhere as he runs to the back yard, nearly tripping on his own feet on the way out.

Sanggu and Jimin stop what they were doing, both confused when Hoseok stumbles up to the old man, his face pale as if he's seen a ghost.

Well, Yoongi is quite pale so its close enough.

"T-that guy from before, the one who humped my leg." Hoseok looks over his shoulder with fear, then back to Sanggu. "He's outside the sanctuary!"

"Who?" Jimin questions, but gets no reply as Sanggu grabs a shovel and makes his way to the front.

Jimin and Hoseok follow closely behind Sanggu, Hoseok using the man's body as a shield while Jimin is just confused on the whole ordeal.

They return to the entrance, where they find the animals still in their cages, but not cowering in fear anymore. "They saw something that spooked them." Sanggu says, reading their behaviors. "But they seem fine now." He says, looking over to Hoseok. "Are you sure it was that guy?"

Hoseok looks out the window where he say the mint haired guy, but saw no one. "He...was right there." He whispers, slowly approaching the window. "I saw him..." Had he really seen the mint haired guy? Or was his mind playing tricks on him?

"Well there isn't anyone there now." Sanngu says as he leans the shovel against the wall.

"Umm, who are you guys talking about?" Jimin asks, feeling left out. "Is there someone I should be aware of?"

Sanggu looks over to Hoseok, then back to Jimin with a sigh. "A few nights ago, Hoseok almost got assaulted by two thugs. But then this guy with mint hair saved him and ended up sexually assaulting Hoseok."

"He humped my leg." Hoseok tells Jimin. "Just some creep who wanted to get off." And who is possibly the Seoul serial killer.

"You think he's the serial killer that's running around?" Jimin asks the two.

"Nah, he would have killed Hoseok already." Sanggu tells him.

"Well not all serial killers kill their victims on the first meeting. Some develop an interest in them first, like an obsession of the sorts." Jimin informs.

Hoseok feels his head spin, his throat going dry as he remembers the guy kissing him and telling Hoseok he'll see him again. Oh god, if he is the killer, then that means he's interested in me.

"How would you know that?" Sanggu asks, giving Jimin a suspicious glance.

"I'm studying Criminology." Jimin proudly tells him.

"Oh, so you wanna be a cop? That's cool." Sanggu is impressed. "Anyways, because of that incident, I don't want Hoseok going home by himself. Which is why I asked if you can take him home a few days a week."

"Again, I don't need all the special attention. I'm perfectly fine walking home." Hoseok groans, knowing it was useless to resist since Sanggu's stubbornness won't give up.

"I won't be able to live with myself if something happened to you Hoseok. You're a good kid with a good heart." Sanggu says with a straight face.

"I just met you and I already can tell you're a good guy hyung. I'm even more determined to take you home safely." Jimin says with a soft smile.

"Guys.." Hoseok lets out a short breath, feeling overwhelmed with the love and comfort they are giving him. Sanggu has always looked out for Hoseok, like a second father figure to him. And Jimin, well he just met Jimin, and already the guy is just a ball of positive energy. I am surrounded by people who love me. "Okay fine. I'll let you both take me home. Only until I get myself a car." he says, looking at them both.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now