• Breakdown •

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"Runaway with me...."

Hoseok finds himself saying as he looks up at Yoongi, his grip on his wrist becoming weaker as the heat from the flames around them creates a slick coat of sweat.

"I won't let you go!" Yoongi tells him, fear and panic evident in his feline eyes as his grip on Hoseok weakens

Hoseok sees and hears the panic and desperation. Yet a wave of dread comes over him, nullifying his will to speak.

He could only smile up at Yoongi, his heart clenching tight, griping his chest with despair.

"Run away with me."

He slips from Yoongi's grip, free falling into the abyss.

He hears Yoongi scream, then the roar of the abyss as it wraps its cold wet arms around him, dragging him down into its depths.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now