• Searching for Sunshine •

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"C'mon Hoseok, we don't have all day. Just insert the needle into the dog already."

Mr. Yang, the Veterinarian professor, scolds at the trembling student who was standing before a lab table, with a helpless little dog blinking at Hoseok with pure innocence.

Hoseok stares at the dog, the hand hold the syringe shaking controllably as he hovers it near the animal's arm.

It's just a simple task of taking blood for analysis, but its part of Hoseok's final exams and if he doesn't get this task done, he'll end up failing the class.

Problem here is, Hoseok's soft heart couldn't bring himself to do anything, especially stick a needle into this defenseless animal.

The dog stares at Hoseok, its small beady eyes stare back at him, giving Hoseok a needy stare, as if telling Hoseok: please don't hurt me.

Hoseok, being a soft sensitive bean, couldn't bring himself to inject the needle into the dog. How could he harm such a loving creature! How could he!! Hoseok is an embodiment of sunshine and rainbows with flowers. His soft heart couldn't even fathom the idea of causing pain to others.

No, I can't do this!!

"Forgive me little one!" Hoseok dramatically wails out as he tosses the syringe aside and scoops up the little dog, making a run for the door.

"Jung Hoseok! Return with that dog now!!" Mr. Yang chases after Hoseok, along with the rest of the class who were giggling and cheering for Hoseok.

Hoseok makes a mad dash down the hall, cradling the small creature in his arms, shielding him from the dangers around them. And by danger, that meant an angry Mr. Yang running after Hoseok.

Hoseok turns a corner, nearly colliding with two brunettes on their way out.

One had a puppy eyed stare, the other a doe eyed look. Both blink in confusion at the vet student holding a happy puppy in his arms while being chased by his professor and the rest of his class.

"Please, help me!" Hoseok dramatically pleads to the brunettes. "They want me to poke him with a needle!" He holds up the puppy, the small animal has it tongue sticking out with a happy expression on it's face, happily oblivious to the situation.

The puppy eye brunette lets out a dramatic gasp, clutching his invisible pearls. The doe eye brunette staggers back in shock, then both brunettes look to each other and nod in a silent confirmation.

"Babe, we must protect this man and his four legged companion." Says the puppy eyed brunette. "Lead this man to salvation. I shall stay behind and fend off those heathens."

The crackhead energy was over 9000 at this point.

"On it!" The doe eyed brunette salutes the other, then escorts Hoseok to the exit, holding his fingers against his ear and glancing around as if he was a bodyguard.

The puppy eye brunette stands his ground as Mr. Yang and the rest of the class approaches.

"You there, move out of the way." Mr. Yang orders, but the brunette stands firmly in place, his expression stoic and low key scary.

"I am the defender of cute guys and small animals! I will not allow you to harm that small puppy!" the brunette puffs out his chest, trying to make himself look tougher, but he just ends up looking rather stupid, at least to Mr. Yang.

Mr. Yang's right eye twitches, his patience wearing down to nothing. "Move it, NOW! Or you will face suspension!" he orders.

"Your petty threats won't deter me!" The brunette scolds, not caring that he's yelling at a professor. "You shall now face the wrath of my TAECONDA!"

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now