• Subject to Murder •

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"Fuck me harder, Namjoon." Jimin moans deeply, keeping his grip on the bathroom stall door as he grinds against Namjoon's crotch, further pushing Namjoon's cock into him.

After what happened between him and Hoseok, Jimin needed a distraction, anything to keep him from losing his cool and doing something he might regret.

He called Jin first, but the older was busy, so he called Namjoon next, practically begging to see him.

Namjoon agreed, telling Jimin to meet him at his job. As soon as Jimin arrived, he dragged Namjoon into the bathroom and demanded to be fucked.

Namjoon wasn't going to deny him that.

"Fuck." Namjoon growls under his breath as he pistons his hips, thrusting himself deep, making Jimin's body squirm and jolt from the pleasure.

Jimin tilts his head back, a strangled whine erupts out of him as he squeezes his eyes shut and cums into the condom.

Namjoon ruts into him a few more times before having his release, filling up his condom as well.

"Shit..." Namjoon mutters as he catches his breath, slowly pulling out and taking off his cum drenched condom.

Jimin rests his head against the door, drawing in gulps of air before quietly taking his condom off and tossing it in the toilet. "Thanks." He mutters as he fixes his clothes and leaves the stall.

Namjoon does the same, tossing his in the toilet and flushing it away before fixing his pants and exiting the stall. He finds Jimin leaning against the sink, brows furrowed with a pained expression.

"What happened baby?" Namjoon asks as he leans against the sink next to Jimin, patiently waiting for his response.

Jimin huffs out a low sigh, running both hands through his fading orange hair, mentally reminding himself to get it dyed.

His brows are still furrowed, eyes rooted to the ground as he reels over what happened earlier between him and Hoseok.

"My friend is dating someone." He says, which wasn't much for Namjoon to process but the taller male stays silent, letting Jimin continue. "The guy he's dating is dangerous."

"How so?" Namjoon asks, mildly curious as to why this whole situation has Jimin stressed.

Jimin sighs deeply again, this time he lifts his eyes off the ground and onto the wall in front of him.

"The guy my friend is dating is a suspect in the serial killer case."

Jimin still has his eyes on the wall, unaware of the dead serious expression on Namjoon's face.

"I went to the police station during one of my classes. Your stepfather pulled me aside and spoke to me about the case and the suspect."

Namjoon remains silent.

"He told me to keep an eye out for him in case he's around the campus. So I did...until I saw him with my friend."

Jimin remembers the day he saw Hoseok with Yoongi. The fact that Hoseok lied about Yoongi is alarming, and Jimin is sure Yoongi is manipulating Hoseok to do so.

This is why Jimin was so angry. Sure they joked about it before, Jimin playing it off since he never expected Hoseok to hook up with Yoongi in the first place.

But when Officer Bang presented Jimin with a picture of the suspect, and Jimin saw the suspect on campus, with Hoseok of all people, that's when everything got serious for him.

"How does this make him dangerous to you?" Namjoon asks.

"Because this guy stabbed someone in front of my friend and sexually assaulted him." Jimin grimaces. "Humped my friend's leg and put the excuse that he was drunk." Jimin scoffs to himself, unable to believe that.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now