• Intrusion •

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"Kids, your mother and I will be going to your grandparents house to visit. We'll be back later." Mr. Jung announces to his kids as him and his wife put on their shoes and grab their coats.

"Just be careful out there." Dawon replies while watching the news talk about another murder. "They found another victim."

"Oh sweetie turn that off. You're going to make you and your brother paranoid." Her mother chides.

"We just want you guys to be safe. That's all." Hoseok says as he sits next to his sister on the couch with a fresh bowl of popcorn.

"Don't worry about it. Your father and I will call you when we arrive at your grandparents." His mother plants a sweet kiss on both her children's heads. "Now behave yourselves, and don't stay up too late."

"Okay mom." Both the siblings reply, waving goodbye as their parents leave.

"Honey, did you lock the back door?" Mrs. Jung asks her husband as she gets into the car and puts on her seatbelt.

"Yes darling, I did." Mr. Jung replies with a nod. "But we gotta get that lock fixed anyways. It's starting to come loose." He adds as he pulls out of the driveway and heads off to their destination. "I don't want to take any chances, especially with that serial killer running around."

Little did they know, across the street, one house down, hiding behind a parked car was the serial killer himself, watching and waiting as their car turns the corner and disappears, before leaving his spot and going over to the house.

He makes sure to stay within the shadows, keeping himself hidden as he stares at the window looking into the living room, where the Jung siblings are currently talking to each other while enjoying the tv and popcorn.

He smiles to himself, thinking back on earlier when they saw each other. The look of fear ebbed in Hoseok's eyes was a wonderful sight to see, made Yoongi feel all excited inside.

He slowly makes his way around back, being sure to survey his soundings for any witnesses before jumping the fence that lead to the pathway to the back yard.

He keeps his movements slow an steady, his breathing calm and collected as he approaches the back door of the home, already taking his knife out. He tucks his hands into the sleeve of his jacket, not wanting to leave finger prints as he uses his knife and lodges it between the door and the lock.

Oddly, the lock gave in rather quickly. These idiots needs a new lock. He thinks to himself as he slowly opens the backdoor and slips right into the kitchen, where he can hear the siblings converse in the living room.

"I don't know if I'll ever get over my weariness of the sight of blood and injecting needles into animals." Hoseok says. "How can you do it so easily?" he asks, looking to his sister.

"It's not as bad as it seems." Dawon says with a shrug. "Yeah the sight of blood is a turn off. But you have to look past that and remind yourself that you are doing this to help them."

"I know, and I really do want to help animals, but I just can bring myself to hurt them." Hoseok groans, hating how he has such a soft heart. "Mr. Yang chewed my ass out about it the other day about it."

"Is Mr. Yang going to give you a second chance?" Dawon asks as she munches on the popcorn.

"Yeah, and this is my last chance." Hoseok leans he head back against the couch, looking up at the ceiling with a deep exhale. "Says I'll have to draw blood from an animal, or perform a surgery."

"Drawing blood sounds way easier, and it really is Hoseok." Dawon says, handing him the bowl of popcorn. "If it helps, just don't think too much about it. If you overthink, you'll end up psyching yourself out."

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