• Distractions •

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"Jin hyung~..."

A low shuddered breath escapes past Jimin's parted lips as he grips onto the bed sheets, his fingers digging deep into the fabric as he holds himself up on his hands and knees while getting fucked from behind by Jin.

The bed jolts, thudding against the wall. Jin grunts in response, his hands holding onto Jimin's hips firmly, eyes casted down as his cock as he thrusts in and out of Jimin, with the lewd sounds of squelching from the lube mixing in with Jimin's moans.

"So fucking tight." Jin rasps, now leaning over Jimin, rutting himself deeper into the younger male.

Jimin tilts his head back and aside, giving Jin access to roam his plumped lips along the side of Jimin's neck, filtering it with harsh kisses and playful nibbles.

Just off to the side, Namjoon is sitting in Jimin's computer chair, watching the pair fuck each other. A hard gaze covers his dragon eyes as he watches Jin rut into Jimin, with Jimin moaning loudly in response and rutting his ass against Jin for more friction.

"Jin hyung." Namjoon speaks the elders name with dominance. The said male looks over to Namjoon while still thrusting deep into Jimin. "Switch with Jimin. I want you both to be stretched out for me." he says as he now stands up from his seat and takes off his clothes.

He starts with his shirt first, swiftly taking that off and tossing it on the ground before him, then he goes for his sweatpants and tugs them down along with his boxers, unleashing the sleeping behemoth that was trapped within them.

"Oh god." Jimin moans as he feels Jin pull out of him, his rim already clenching for cock as he gets flipped onto his back. "He's not going to fit." he whines while glancing at the size of Namjoon's dick.

Jin lays next to Jimin and pulls him to lay on top, spreading his legs open for the younger. "We'll make him fit." he says, rubbing his clenching rim along Jimin's cock.

Jimin adjusts himself and thrusts into Jin, returning the same rhythm Jin had on him earlier. Namjoon gets in bed and positions himself behind Jimin, caressing his large hands along the smooth expanse of Jimin's back, before resting them as down on Jimin's ass cheeks, giving one of them a good smack.

Jimin grunts, rutting his hips harder and faster into Jin, making the older male arch his back with a needy whine. "Such little whores." Namjoon says as he palms Jimin's back with one hand, the other held tightly on Jimin's hip as he thrusts into him.

How did this entanglement happen, you may wonder.

Let's take it back an hour ago, where Namjoon was peacefully reading Jin's flirty messages about their long awaited hook up.

Work was slow that day, with not many customers coming in. So Namjoon stood by the register, eyes casted low on his phone as some dirty pictures of Jin's dick and Jimin's abs. Jin really wanted to hook up with the two, and Jimin was offering to do it at his place.

Namjoon agreed, wanting- no- needing the distraction since he can't get Yoongi off his mind.

Of course he wouldn't, it's never easy to get your ex boyfriend off your mind, especially since Namjoon still loves Yoongi. Those feelings don't just go away with a blink of an eye, and certainly not after a break up.

The day Namjoon broke up with Yoongi and kicked him out, he cried himself to sleep. And even in his dreams, did he think of Yoongi and the moments they shared together.

Before Yoongi became a psychopath.

It was the initial guilt of it all that made Namjoon feel like shit. He knew it was wrong to leave Yoongi out on the streets, even after promising that they'll move in together, but he needed his space. Yoongi was beginning to suffocate him and control him. Well, he's done it before, but it has gotten worse as time went on, and Namjoon couldn't handle it anymore.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now