• Demons in the Dark •

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"Baby boy, come here."

Those words grab onto Namjoon, wrapping around his neck like a leash and turning his attention over to the mint haired male laying naked on the mattress, with a pale had extended out, inviting Namjoon to join him.

A ghostly grin falls upon Namjoon's lips, the baby boy following the pale man's words as he returns to mattress on the ground, wrapping both his strong arms around the pale man's fragile frame, feeling him tremble just the slightest.

"It's getting cold outside, hyung. You shouldn't be naked." Namjoon tells him, placing the blanket above their bodies while pressing his own buff body along the fragile pale man, being sure to give him affection and warmth.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, not bothered by such trivial matters such as the weather. "The cold never bothered me anyways." He says smoothing his large hand along the curve of Namjoon's pecks, giving his left tiddy a soft squeeze.

Namjoon hisses out a short breath, goosebumps shriveling along his skin to Yoongi's touch. "What if you get sick?" He asks, looking deep into Yoongi's dark chocolate eyes, one hand smoothing along the curve of Yoongi's back.

Yoongi scoffs, yet again rolling his eyes as he leans his head along Namjoon's chest, pressing his ear against the surface to hear the lullaby of Namjoon's soft heartbeats.

"Then I'll have you to take care of me." He says after a few moments of silence.

Namjoon rolls his eyes in return, resting his hand on the back of Yoongi's head, where his fingers thread through the silk strands of Yoongi's hair, putting the older male in a state of comfort and stability.

This was was before the mass killings and Yoongi's decent into becoming a psychopath.

Before the toxic fighting and the manipulation.

Before the rupture of their tight bond.

Both Namjoon and Yoongi were just two teenagers trying to survive each day of their mundane lives, looking to each other for comfort and security.

"Hyung, you know I'll never leave you to suffer." Namjoon tells him after a moment of heavy silence, resting his chin ontop of Yoongi's hair, where the soft whips of the silk stands tickle under Namjoon's chin.

Yoongi puts on a pout, rounding out his cheeks and squinting his feline eyes, feeling at ease with Namjoon's words. "I know, Namjoon." Chocolate brown eyes shift upwards to Namjoon's soft dragon gaze, his heart flutters under them like a school girl with her crush.

"I'll never let you suffer either."

A dimpled smile embraces Namjoon's deliciously plumped lips, a gummy smile replies in return, the Namgi duo being wrapped into a blanket of their love and affection for each other as they glide along the stream of tranquility, leading them both into their own little world of serendipity.

Now that Namjoon thinks back on that memory, he finds so many flaws within those promises.

So many lies layered under evey promise, every kiss, and touch they shared. Waiting to be unearthed by their own demons.

He once believed that Yoongi and him were meant for each other, soulmates destined to be together.

But he was so naive back then, blindly letting himself fall into Yoongi's ocean of toxicity, where the monsters from the deep groped him through the currents, abusing him until he eventually was able to come back to the shores of reality.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now