• Piece of Peace •

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"Today we are going to go over the basics of performing surgery on an animal."

Hoseok shudders in his seat as Mr. Yang presents a photo of a veterinarian performing surgery on a dog. The graphic image of blood and exposed organs nearly made him vomit, but for the sake of not getting suspended, he kept it all together and tried to think of something else while the lecture went on.

Of course, the first that comes to mind is Yoongi, and the mere thought of what Yoongi did to him that morning before he snuck out his house made Hoseok's knees buckle and his cheeks blush.

Earlier that morning...

It took him a while, but Hoseok eventually went to sleep, trusting that he won't wake up in the middle of the night to a massacre in his own home.

Luckily he didn't wake up to a massacre.

Instead, he woke up to Yoongi sucking his dick.

The action was sudden, intrusive, obviously non consensual, but Hoseok has already guessed consent isn't in Yoongi's vocabulary.

He felt his pants being yanked down and his dick fisted into Yoongi's hand, the psycho pumping at it vigorously before engulfing it into his mouth. Hoseok had to smother his face into the pillow to muffle out a moan that almost broke out of him. He happily suffered for five minutes before cumming inside Yoongi's mouth.

"What the fuck was that?" Hoseok whispered yelled at him, not wanting to talk so loud incase one of his parents were awake.

"Relax sunshine, I was just having my breakfast." Yoongi told him with a smug grin. Really, that was going to be his breakfast for the morning, unless he punches another kid and steals their food.

Which he may or may not do. Depends on his mood.

"Plus, consider this as my thanks for letting me stay the night."

"I only let you stay so you wouldn't kill my family." Hoseok mutters, clearly remembering how Yoongi snuck into his house like a stalker. "Now get out before my family wakes up."

Yoongi cackles at the blush on Hoseok's face. "Alright virgin boy, I'll leave. But don't think this will be the last of me. I'll come back again."

"No you won't, and I'll make sure my father fixes the back door." Hoseok tells him with a glare.

Yoongi grins again, eyes narrowing into a sharp glare. "It's going to take more than a locked door to keep me away from you, sunshine."

"Hoseok, JUNG HOSEOK!"

Hoseok jolts, eyes nearly popping out as Mr. Yang slaps his hand on Hoseok's desk, grabbing his full attention.

"You of all people need to pay attention to this lecture. Because if you fail this class, you fail the entire course and you won't be able to graduate." Mr. Yang scolds, clearly his mission is to embarrass Hoseok, and it worked with how red Hoseok's face gotten.

"I-I'm sorry professor." Is Hoseok's meek response, but the nasty smile on Mr. Yang's face says he wasn't done with the embarrassment.

"Don't think you can run away again like a coward. The next exam is coming up, and you are going to perform surgery on any animal I choose." His smile broaden, physically making Hoseok sick. "And if you fail this time, which I have a feeling you will, then there is no hope that you'll ever be able to become a veterinarian."

With that said, he leaves Hoseok with those words stung into his skin. Hoseok had to bite his lip and keep his eyes down, trying hard to not cry in the middle of the lecture.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now