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Hoseok had slept like a rock that night, with the exhaustion of yesterday's events fading off his body as the morning came.

He wakes up to feeling of someone's lips wrapped around his dick, slowly gliding their warm tongue along the shaft while thier hand plays with his balls.

He thinks this is just another wet dream of his, but when that hand moves further down from his balls and near his ass cheeks, Hoseok jolts himself awake to find Yoongi already naked and laying between his legs, sucking him off.

"WHAT ARE YOU-" A large hand slaps itself of Hoseok's mouth, nearly covering his whole face.

"Your parents are still here." Yoongi says after popping Hoseok's rock hard cock out his mouth. "Try to keep it down alittle." He adds as he straddles Hoseok and reaches back to grab Hoseoks dick before centering it at his rim and slowly sitting down on it.

Hoseok's mouth is still covered by Yoongi's hand, and thankfully too as he couldn't contain the moans that spew out of him as Yoongi begins to ride him.

This crazy son of a bitch! Hoseok grips Yoongi's hips firmly, glaring up at the psycho while Yoongi stares down at him with smug grin.

"Think you can keep it down, sunshine?" Yoongi asks as he slowly removes his hand from Hoseok's mouth, revealing a scowl on Hoseok's lips.

"Hoseok sweetie." A few knocks at the door startle Hoseok, making his thrust his hips upwards, pushing his cock deeper into Yoongi.

The psycho leans forward, hiding his face into the pillow next to Hoseok's head, stuffing out a moan.

"Hoseok?" Another knock, and Hoseok sees the door knob twist and turn, making his heart drop.

"I locked the door." Yoongi whispers into his ears, not once has he stopped rolled his hips while Hoseoks mom continues to knock on the door. "Answer her, or I will."

Hoseok snaps a nasty glare at Yoongi, digging his nails deep into the skin on Yoongi's hips, making the psycho mewl and stuff his face back into the pillow to moan.

"Yeah mom?" He calls out to her, keeping his voice leveled even though it was hard to when he has Yoongi clenching and unclenching around his cock.

"Your father and I will be going your grandparents house. We are taking Mickey with us." She informs. "Your sister has as double shift and wont be back till tomorrow. We will be back late so either order out or eat some of yesterday's left overs."

Yoongi clenches hard around Hoseoks cock, making Hoseok moan.

"What was that sweetie?"

"I said okay. I'll order something to eat." Hoseok replies, now raking his hand along Yoongi's hips, making sure to dig his nails deep into the skin. "I'll see you later." He adds, reaching his hands down to grab Yoongi's ass cheeks.

"Okay. I'll see you later. Love you."

"Love you too mom." Hoseok calls back, then listens as his mother's footsteps trail away from his room.

"I lOVe YOu tOo mOM." Yoongi mocks Hoseok's voice. "You sound like a pussy."

"A pussy?" Hoseok takes one hand off Yoongi's ass and brings it up to the back of Yoongi's head, yanking his head back, forcing Yoongi to sit up.

He then pushes Yoongi to the side, changing their positions, with Yoongi now on his back and Hoseok hunched over him, giving Yoongi a glare that screams angry dominate.

"You got a lot of fucking nerve pulling a stunt like that." Hoseok grabs the back of Yoongi's thighs, pushing them agaisnt Yoongi's chest, nearly folding Yoongi in half as he rams his cock deep inside Yoongi.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now