• Second Phase of Insanity •

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"C'mon sunshine, don't look so glum." The taunting tone of the psycho casts a grimace on Hoseok's face.

They are back at Hoseok's house, both getting ready for bed, well at least Yoongi is.

Hoseok hasn't bothered to take off his day clothes yet, whereas Yoongi had already taken a shower and made himself comfortable using Hoseok's boxers and one of his large baggy shirts.

Hoseok couldn't even bring himself to focus at work, his thoughts too occupied on the argument he had with Jimin over Yoongi.

He hates fighting, especially with friends. So to have Jimin upset with him didn't settle well with Hoseok.

Even more, Jimin doesn't trust Yoongi at all.

"Yoongi, Jimin is suspicious of you." Hoseok says with a furrowed brow when noticing how calm the psycho appears.

"As to be expected. The kid is studying to be a cop." Yoongi says, seating himself on the edge of Hoseok's bed, facing Hoseok.

"Doesn't that bother you?" Hoseok asks.

Yoongi's eyes harden into an icy stare. "Of course it does. The little whore is meddling into my business." He scoffs. "I'm itching to stab some common sense into his thick skull."

"Which you won't do because I won't allow you to harm my friends." Hoseok takes a step closer, his voice dropping an octave with a soul-piercing glare in his eyes.

Yoongi smiles at the approach, wanting to rile up this side of Hoseok.

"If you want to make this relationship work, the first thing you need to do is not threaten any of my friends or my family."

Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Second, I want you to get a job."

Yoongi rolls his eyes again.

"I'm serious Yoongi. You told Jimin you work as a delivery guy, so make it happen."

"But sunshine." Yoongi flutters his eyes, sporting a cute little pout that stirred the butterflies in Hoseok's stomach, but Hoseok kept a straight face. "I have you to take care of me." Yoongi purrs, now standing up.

"You take care of my needs and..." he ghosts his hand along Hoseok's crotch, sparking anger and lust in Hoseok's eyes. "I'll take care of yours. Nobody has to get hurt."

But people will get hurt.

Hoseok grips Yoongi's wrist, pulling his hand away from his crotch, which was twitching for Yoongi.

"I'm not going to use you for sex." Hoseok tells him sincerely.

Yoongi's eyes widen, his cheeks turning pink as he's rendered speechless from what was said. His heart flutters for Hoseok, but his demons stomp it out before he can physically show those emotions to Hoseok.

"Sunshine, didn't we agree that you give me this good dick." He gropes Hoseok's crotch again, massaging it firmly and smiling when he feels it twitch in his hand. "And I won't have to kill anyone."

Hoseok bites his inner cheek, the urge to throw Yoongi on his bed and fuck him numb was ticking away at him, but he pushes that aside and stays on topic.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now