• Give it to Me •

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"Jungkook wait!"

Taehyung calls out with a forced breath as he runs after his boyfriend.

Jungkook doesn't stop, nearly bumping into nurses and patients, his sole focus is to see if it was true.

If his father was really hospitalized.

He got the call an hour ago.

He was with Taehyung and Hoseok, the three were hanging out at the arcades, as promised.

Suddenly he gets a call from the police department telling him about what happened to his father.

He ran out of the arcades as quickly as possible, his mind shifting with torrents of emotions as he ran down the street to the hospital which was five blocks away.

Taehyung and Hoseok begged him to stop as they helplessly ran after him.

Now in the hospital, Jungkook turns the corner and stops, eyes wide and breathing heavily as he stares at the door with his fathers name next to it.

Next to that door was a large window, where he can clearly see his father hooked up to a machine, with both his arms and legs in a cast, a breathing tube down his throat, and his face completely swollen to the point where Jungkook barely recognized his own father.

Taehyung catches up first, barely able to hold in a deep gasp as he sees the condition Jungkook's father was in. 

Next comes Hoseok, just as equally tired, and shocked. He's never met Jungkook's father, but obviously he knows what a horrible man he was to Jungkook. Still, the sight before him makes him sick to his stomach, and even more when he's the reason Jungkook's father is laying on that hospital bed. 

Well, more like a certain psychopath he made a deal with. 

"Jungkook?" The aforementioned male turns his attention to a chubby officer with short black hair and round rimmed glasses. "I'm Officer Bang Shi-hyuk. I work with your father." he introduces. 

"Officer, What happened? How did my father end up this way?" Jungkook asks, his voice barely coming out coherent due to shock. 

Officer Shi-hyuk expresses his concern with a deep frown, then casts a short glance over to Officer Jeon before answering Jungkook. "We had an anonymous caller tell us to come pick up a body at your residence. We got there as quickly as we could and found your father nearly beaten to death, laying limp in the middle of the driveway."

Hoseok covers his mouth in shock, his entire body frozen under a billowing air of guilt. All he wanted was for Yoongi to scare the man into leaving Jungkook alone, not nearly beat him to death. 

But then again, Hoseok is dealing with a hardcore serial killer. It would be fucking stupid on his part to believe Yoongi would ever go soft for anyone. 

"The odd thing is, nothing in your house was stolen, not even his wallet or belongings. It's as if the attackers main agenda was only your father." Shi-Hyuk raises his brow in suspicion. He knows about Officer Jeon hurting his son, so naturally he will put his son as a suspect, but looking now at Jungkook, he doesn't see him as someone who would do such a thing. "Who would want to hurt your father?" he asks. 

Alot of fucking people. Jungkook thinks to himself, but he keeps that in his head and answers, "I don't know." 

Shi-hyuk nods, then looks over to Taehyung and Hoseok. "Are you both friends of his?"

"I'm his boyfriend." Taehyung speaks up, wrapping his arms around Jungkook to give him protection and comfort. 

"And I'm their friend from school." Hoseok adds.  

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now