• Friendships and Heartbreaks •

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"You don't have to walk me home." Hoseok complains as he and Yoongi walk along the block near Hoseok's home, both holding hands (Which Yoongi took the initiative to do.)

"I can't just let you walk home alone so late, sunshine." Yoongi says, grinning at Hoseok. "There is a serial killer on the loose."

Hoseok rolls his eyes and scoffs at that. "Gee, I wonder who that is." He mutters sarcastically earning a chuckle from Yoongi in response. "But I'm serious, you don't have to walk me home."

"But I insist." Yoongi says, leading Hoseok infront of his house. "Besides. I'll be coming here alot more often now that you and I have established our acquaintance." He says, leaning in to Hoseok and kissing him softly on the lips.

Oddly, Hoseok made no attempts to stop him, even feeling his heart flutter from the kiss.

But in reality, this was wrong.

"You're a serial killer." Hoseok says, tuning his face away when Yoongi tries to kiss him again.

"So?" Yoongi mutters, landing his lips on Hoseok's cheek and leaving a trail of buttery kisses along his face then down to his neck.

Hoseok closes his eyes, his breath hitching just the slightest as he grips on to Yoongi's shirt, wanting the psycho to stop, but also wanting to pin Yoongi against a car and fuck him until they both pass out.

Fuck, it was like his own mind was becoming a fractured mess of intrusive thoughts, thoughts that were sadistic and completely opposite of Hoseok's soft personality.

Its like Yoongi is some sort of parasite, slowly plaguing Hoseok's mind.

And Hoseok was starting to allow that parasite to sink into his body.

"It's not right...this aquatiance we have." Hoseok speaks after a moment of frazzled thoughts. "I shouldn't be with you...shouldn't be here letting you kiss me and making me feel so good."

Yoongi grins, a brow raised. "I make you feel good sunshine?" Yoongi asks, his own heart beating happily as he trails his large hand down to Hoseok's pants, gripping his crotch firmly while he contiues to kiss on Hoseok's neck, leaving a small red mark.

Hoseok hisses lightly, shamelessly buckling his hips into Yoongi's hand, his intrusive thoughts suddnely turning sadistic. "Yes." He replies with a low tone, that same tone Yoongi had heard before. "You make me feel so good kitten. Got my cock begging to fuck you again."

Yoongi gets turned on by this, his ass clenching for Hoseok's cock again. "You can have me as much as you want, sunshine." He says, leading his lips over Hoseok's, practically breathing into his mouth. "Just don't push me away. Don't resist me and I'll give it all to you." He clenches his grip on Hoseok's cock tightly, feeling it twitch and swell.

Hoseok just about snaps, but some rational part of him yanks him out of his head space, forcing him to push Yoongi away, putting a foot of space between the two.

"This is wrong." He says, his tone pushed down to a whimper, gone was that dom daddy tone from before, which was a bummer for Yoongi. "You killed people, murdered them in cold blood with those hands." Hoseok turns away from Yoongi, feeling ashamed of himself. "Yet here I am letting those same hands touch me in ways that make me feel so fucking good."

He turns to face Yoongi, eyes now blurred with tears. "What the fuck is wrong with me? Why do I feel so comfortable around you knowing what you do for a living."

Yoongi shrugs his shoulders, wondering the same. Normally weak guys like Hoseok tick him off, but in this case, he feels a strange sense of bonding and comfort with Hoseok, like he's known him from before.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now