• Cross Examination •

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"You've done this before, so I don't have to go through too much training with you." Shin, the owner of Shin's Chicken Palace, explains as he hands over an apron to Yoongi.

Yoongi blankly stares at the apron, then up to Shin. "I thought I was going to do deliveries." He says.

"We already got three guys doing that. I need someone in the kitchen to help with food prep." Shin explains as he pushes the apron into Yoongi's hand. "You said you wanted a job, so here I am giving you a fucking job."

Yoongi wanted to curse at him, but he holds back on it. He needed this for various reasons, the two being he needs the money, and the other for Hoseok.

After his mental breakdown last night, Hoseok has not stopped worrying about him. He claims that Yoongi was in a trance, and it took him a good five minutes to get Yoongi to snap out of it.

The scariest part was that Yoongi barely remembers it. It was as if his memory was hazed, with the only part that comes to mind is the giant black cat staring down at him with judgment.

That's never happened to him before, and as much as Yoongi tries to play it off, he felt scared of it. It was only a small mental breakdown yet he lost touch with reality for five minutes. He doesn't want to know what will happen if he loses it for longer.

Hoseok barely slept that night. No doubt he was terrified and worried that Yoongi was going to lose it again and possibly kill him in his sleep.

When Yoongi woke up the next morning, Hoseok was in a mad panic to get ready for school since he slept in. The psycho felt bad for Hoseok, but at the same time, he was disgruntled because he also had to get up early for work, and reluctantly he couldn't go with Hoseok to his university.

"I insist on doing deliveries." Yoongi is determined. He doesn't want to set foot into a kitchen filled with knives, especially sharp knives that can cut through meat like butter.

The thought alone slowly turns him on, making the demons in the abyss of his fractured mind stir with blood lust.

"Yoongi, I said-"

"I heard what you fucking said." Yoongi throws the apron at Shin. "I'm not stepping foot into that kitchen."

This further angers Shin. "Yoongi, what the fuck is your deal? You used to work in the kitchen with no problem."

Yes, before he succumbed to his homicidal needs.

"If you don't let me do deliveries, I will shit in your Ramen pot and feed that to your customers."

Yoongi says this with a straight face.

Shin blankly stares at him, trying to comprehend the audacity that just left Yoongi's mouth.

It's the fact that he knows Yoongi is not bluffing that baffles him.

"I forgot how fucking twisted you are." Shin grumbles as he grabs the keys to the motorbike and tosses them at Yoongi.

Yoongi catches them with ease, feeling relaxed that he doesn't have to work in the kitchen.

"Try not to get run over by a car again. Don't want your blood on my motorbike." Shin mutters as he grabs a bag with a food order and hands it to Yoongi.

"I'll keep that in mind." Yoongi sneers as he grabs the order and rushes outside, where he finds the motorbike parked near a bench.

Thankfully the motorbike has a GPS hooked onto it, which made it easier for Yoongi to jot down the address of his delivery and speed off to its location.

The address was in a nice neighborhood a few blocks away.

It was easy to get to it with the GPS. And when Yoongi arrived, he took a moment to admire the nice house before him.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now