• Corpse Party pt. 2 •

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Hoseok is stunned, frozen in place as fear grips at his limps, holding him under the heavy and hungry gaze of the former mint haired guy. Former because the guy before him now looks completely different, starting with the noticeable hair change, going from mint to black, and his outfit, which wasn't a leather jacket, but a green jacket with a green shirt to match, along with chains around his neck.

Even with the hair change, Hoseok still recognized the man now know as Yoongi by his intense feline gaze, can feel himself shrink under the heaviness of his presence, which says alot considering the man is shorter than him.

"It's you." Hoseok utters, unsure if Yoongi even heard him over the roar of the music around them.

Yoongi grins to himself as he takes step closer to Hoseok, the wafting scent of tangerine and wood consuming the frightened student, but the smell itself was calming, a contrast to the person whom it's coming from.

"What's a cutie like you doing here all by yourself, mmm?" Yoongi asks his voice deep and gravely, just how Hoseok remembered. "A lost little lamb within the den of wolves." he inhales deeply, eyes fluttering as he picks up Hoseok's vanilla scented cologne. "My favorite type."

"I-I'm not alone." Hoseok says, looking all around for his friends, but still he can't find the taekook duo, and Jimin had already moved on from the bar, probably at the dancefloor with the others. Damn it, why did they have to leave me alone!?

"Oh? And where are your friends?" Yoongi asks, still grinning at Hoseok. "How foolish of them to leave their virgin lamb alone." Yoongi slowly glides his tongue along his lip, shifting his eyes down Hoseok's body then back up again, already turned on.

Hoseok gulps, internally panicking as he looks around some more, until he spots Jimin in the crowd dancing with two other guys taller than him. Geeze, so much for getting me something to drink. "Over there!" Hoseok points out towards Jimin.

Yoongi squints his eyes and turns to direction Hoseok points at, finding a short guy with orange hair dancing along with a broad shouldered guy with brown hair.

And his baby boy Namjoon.

Yoongi stares at the scene ahead of him, his mind suddenly going blank, the EDM music suddenly muffled by the demons in his head as they slowly begin to pluck he strings of their cryptic tune. He stares at Namjoon dancing with the two other men, a wide dimpled smile displayed on his face. It was genuine and sincere, a smile that said he was having a great time.

That he was happy.

Yoongi hasn't seen that smile in so long. Doesn't remember the last time Namjoon genuinely smiled at him, which was now being given to the orange haired guy and his broad shouldered friend.

But what really pisses Yoongi off, was the fact that Namjoon lied to him. He said he was going to work, and Yoongi believed him. Namjoon never lied to him before, so this was a first and last time his baby boy will ever do that to him.

The cryptic tune begins to play, Yoongi's hand twitches first, then his arm, then his head. The demons set their cryptic tune as the detonation, with only seconds left before the ticking time bomb inside Yoongi blows up again, unleashing the serial killer into the den of wolves.

The music changes again, hyping up the crowd around Yoongi. People end up pushing against him, blocking his view of Namjoon and the two cunts that he so happily plans on gutting his knife into.

Hoseok gets shoved away from the creep, much to his comfort, but he still has to find his friends, his inner empath feeling that something bad is going to happen. "Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin!" his voice gets drowned under the heavy bass of the music, so reluctantly he forces himself through the crowd in search for his friends, needing to get them out of there as soon as possible.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now