• Plagued •

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Hoseok couldn't breathe.

His own gasps grip at the back of his throat, holding the air in his lungs captive as the black smoke from the flames around him danced to the rhythm of wildfire.

Everything was on fire, from the floor to the ceiling, with the flames planting their kisses on Hoseok's skin, making him hiss at the after-burn.

"Help me!! Somebody, please help me!" He cries for salvation while limping through the flames.

The flames cackle at him in return, well, at least he thought it was the flames.

A dark figure approaches, its feline eyes pinning Hoseok into a trance as it emerges from the depths of the fire.

"Yoongi..." Hoseok barely whispers as he stares at the psycho in shock.

Yoongi was scorched from the fire. His clothes are tattered and burned, with his skin bursting with blisters of blood as the flames eat away at them, revealing burnt muscle tissue and parts of his skeletal anatomy. 

"Let's burn." The psycho sneers with a demented tone as his lips burn away with the flames, revealing his teeth.

"Burn with me Hoseok."

Hoseok shakes his head, wanting to run away from it all, but his body won't obey his commands, instead keeping him rooted to the spot.

"Burn with me." Yoongi repeats, his voice now distorted as he limps his way to Hoseok with his charred arms outstretched and ready to pull Hoseok into the inferno with him.

"No!" Hoseok furiously shakes his head. "No, get away from me!"

"Burn with me!" Yoongi sneers again, his scorched hands grip at Hoseok's shoulders, spreading the fire onto them both.

Hoseok screams, at least he tries to, but not a single note comes out of him as both are engulfed by the flames.

"Burn...with..me..." Yoongi says, now in a whisper as his face completely burns off, with the skin melting into his clothes, revealing the bloody remains of Yoongi's skull staring right into Hoseok's soul.

"Burn with me."

"NO!!" Hoseok jolts up from his sleep, breathing erratically as he stares all around his bedroom.

The sun's rays bleed into the room, casting a glow onto the space, followed by the chirping of the birds making their morning calls.

"It was just a nightmare." He mutters to himself as he looks down at his hands, not finding a single burn on them.

"Good morning sunshine." Yoongi greets in a low casual tone.

Hoseok directs his attention to the bathroom entrance, where Yoongi was leaning against the door, arms crossed with a smug grin.

Hoseok quickly notices Yoongi has taken a shower and changed his clothes, now wearing a simple white shirt with jeans that seem a little too baggy on him. 

He even picks up on the soft scent of his cologne, and honestly, there was a small part of him that thought it smelled better on Yoongi.

"I let you sleep in while I bathed. Had to wash more cum and blood out my ass from yesterday."

Well, that ruined the mood, but the mood was already ruined by that vivid nightmare Hoseok had. It felt so real too, even now Hoseok can still feel a tingling sensation on his skin from the flames.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now