• I Want Some More •

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TW: Graphic sexual content / sexual violence

The police showed up to the scene, as well as an ambulance and a tow truck that took away Jimin's car.

The police asked them various questions and such, and after an hour of questioning, they were given information to where Jimin can find his car, then taken to the sanctuary, where Sanggu nearly had a heart attack as he saw Hoseok and his friends step out of the cop car.

They explained what happened, leaving Sanggu speechless for a few moments before he lets out a sigh of relief.

"I'm just happy none of you were harmed." He says.

"Oh? Has Mr. Sanggu gotten soft for us, Junglecock?" Taehyung cheeses with a sly grin.

"I believe he has, Taeconda." Jungkook grins as well, both sliding into the old man's personal space. 

"Never mind. I take back everything I said." Sanggu grumbles as the taekook duo laugh at him.

While they banter, Hoseok silently stares out the window, his expression vacant as his thoughts whirl around the events that happened earlier.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jimin asks when noticing Hoseok's vacant expression and odd silence.

The said male didn't answer him, his thoughts lost in a torrent of mixed emotions, emotions that were leading into a darker side of his mind.

Hoseok knows it wasn't an accident.

It was attempted murder.

Yoongi tried to kill them.

He wonders why.

What did he do to trigger the psycho?

Nothing. He didn't do anything to trigger Yoongi.

He doesn't have to do anything because Yoongi is already triggered and can cause harm a chaos whenever he fucking pleases.

Hoseok's jaw clenches, his gaze hardening as he remembers Yoongi smiling at him from the crowd before disappearing when the cops came.

You think I'll let you get away with this, kitten?

"Hyung?" A tug at his sleeve pulls Hoseok out from his impending dark thoughts, bringing him back to reality, where Jimin is still waiting for his response. "Are you okay?" He asks again, this time with hesitation since Hoseok is giving him a blank stare.

"I'm fine." Hoseok answers him after a few tense seconds, but Jimin can tell he wasn't fine by what happened. "Really, I am." Hoseok assures, giving him a soft smile. I can't have you prying into my business Jimin. For your safety.

Jimin smiles in return, gently patting Hoseok's shoulder. "If anything, I was scared too." Jimin says.

Hoseok can tell he's trying to lighten up the mood, but his mind was already transfixed on wanting to get back at Yoongi for that fucked up stunt.


Both their attentions turn to Yoonji, who was locked up in her cage.

Hoseok instantly sets his worries aside for the moment and approaches the cat. "At least you came back safely." He tells her as he pokes his finger into the cage, letting the cat run her whiskers and face against it.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now