• Final Phase of Insanity •

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Yoonji slams her small body against Yoongi's legs, her efforts in vain as it only causes him to stumble before regaining balance and venturing away from the group.

Ignore the little cunt Yoongi. We have our needs and you have been ignoring them for far too long. His insanity says as it grabs him by the crook of his arm, leading him further away from the group.

His insanity had been eating away at him since they left Hoseok's house.

It begged him for blood.

Pleaded for Yoongi to kill all of Hoseok's friends.

Yoongi refused. Sure he fucked up in the bathroom when he sexually assaulted Hoseok, but it's not like he was going to stay the good guy forever.

So when he saw Namjoon, a part of him snapped, causing his insanity to step in and take over.

Our baby boy doesn't belong to us anymore. The whore and the broad-shouldered bitch have him now. But rest assured Yoongi, we'll remind him what happens when he fucks with us.

"No...I am the reason Namjoon pushed me away. I don't want to hurt him"

Yes, you do. Make the bastard suffer for betraying us!

"I can't."

Yes, you can, and you fucking will. And after that, we'll deal with Hoseok.


Yes. We will set him free.

"Set him free..."

Bathe him in the blood of the lambs.

"Blood...of the lambs." Yoongi mindlessly mutters as his eyes narrow, body going slack.

Yoonji paws at his leg, meowing endlessly to get him to snap out of it.

"Meow." Don't listen to your insanity.

"Meow." Think about Hoseok!

Yes, think about how you will set Hoseok free. His insanity instigates while laughing at the cat.

Yoonji can't see Yoongi's inanity form because it's all in his head, but she knows it's there and she knows it taking over quickly.

"Meow." You said you were in control!

Yoongi stops and stares down at the cat, as does his insanity.

Part of him wanted to tell her he was in control, but that lie stood rooted on the tip of his tongue and his Insantiy spoke for him.

He lied says his insanity as he kicks Yoonji into a pile of boxes.

The bad bitch was tough, but still, the kick did hurt, as well as the impact.

She stumbles and limps from the trash while growling loudly, catching the attention of an onlooker.

"Hey, punk. Stop picking on that cat."

Yoongi turns around to see a man standing by a back entrance to a Ramen shop. He had a cigarette in hand and an empty Ramen bowl sitting on a stack of boxes next to him. Most likely he went out for a smoke break when he saw the interaction.

This city is our playground Yoongi. Let's fucking play. His insanity says as he cracks his neck and stares the man down with a wide smile.

"M-eow..." Please, don't do it.

It was too late for her, for the insanity had taken hold of Yoongi, controlling him like a puppet on strings.

Yoongi charges at the man, grabbing a pair of red chopsticks from the bowl during the attack.

He presses a heavy foot on the man's chest, pushing him down to the ground with brute force, then brutally stabs the chopsticks into the man's neck.

Blood splatters everywhere.

It gets on Yoongi's face.

Yoongi stops for a fleeting moment to graze his lips with his tongue, tasting the sourness of his victim's blood.

Yoongi then sees red.

His insanity laughs, as do all the demons that dwell within the depths of Yoongi's mind.

All patiently waiting for the fun to begin.

Yoonji could only watch with terror as Yoongi lets out an eerie laugh before sprinting down the alley for his next victim.

"Meow." Fuck....

"Meow." He's reached the final phase.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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