• Tear •

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"Seriously Namjoon, I thought you were done getting yourself into trouble." Shi-hyuk reprimands, keeping his eyes on the road as he drives Namjoon back home. 

After the incident at the frat party, the cops arrested over thirty people and shut down the whole area for investigation.

Apparently someone made an anonymous call about a body at a party. The police couldn't track the call, but the suspect the body had something to do with the serial killer. Upon arrival, and after making arrests, they discovered a woman's body with multiple stab wounds to the face and chest, her body then lodged inside the water tank that feeds the water source to the sprinkler system at the old gymnasium where the party was held. 

Unfortunately, there are no working cameras in that area since it was abandoned a while back, so they can't find concrete evidence on who the killer is. 

Those who were arrested were put under suspicion, but most had gotten let go due to their family lawyers or just lack of evidence. 

Namjoon was lucky enough to be let go after two hours of interrogation by his father and another asshole cop by the name of Jeon. 

"You're fucking lucky I was able to get you out of trouble, but tell me why the fuck were you at that party? I thought you had work tonight." 

Namjoon rolls his eyes with a scoff, really not in the mood to argue with his step-father, especially when he knows there is an angry psychopath waiting for him at home. "It's my day off and I just wanted to have fun and hang out with a friend." he says, keeping his eyes out the window. 

"What about Yoongi?" 

"What about him?" Namjoon mutters, eyes still stuck on the window. 

"That man is like a third testicle on you, always stuck to your side. He wasn't with you?"

"No." Namjoon mutters, remembering the voided look on Yoongi's face, which sends chills down his spine. "I left him home." he says. That was the idea anyways, to leave Yoongi home while he went out to have fun. He lied about going to the frat party, thinking Yoongi wasn't going since he wouldn't be there, but somehow the psycho was there, and he knows it was Yoongi who caused all the mayhem. 

"Of course the parasite is still living in my house." Shi-hyuk huffs, taking a left turn and entering their street. "Namjoon, I'm serious when I say I want him gone."

"I know father." Namjoon says, now rubbing the bridge of his nose, with a headache brimming in the back of his head. "I'm going to talk to him tonight."

"You say that all the time, yet the fucker is still in my house."

"I'm serious." Namjoon says, now looking at his father. "I'm going to talk to him. I..I agree that he needs to go."

Shi-hyuk looks to Namjoon, the car coming to a slow stop as they reach their home. It's quiet for a moment, too quiet for Namjoon's liking. "At least you still have some common sense with that damn IQ of yours." he teases, cracking a small grin. "Namjoon, I only want you to succeed in life. You had it rough since your mother died, and I know if she were alive, she'd want you to live a happy life." he says, glancing to the side at the front door of his home. 

"You're not happy with him, Namjoon. I can tell." He places his hand on Namjoon's shoulder, giving him a soft squeeze. Funny, this is the first time in a while that his step-father was showing his soft side to him. "I can't give you happiness Namjoon, no one can but yourself."

Namjoon sighs, knowing his step father is right. Happiness isn't something that anyone can give. It's something one would have to find for themselves, and for Namjoon, he can't find his happiness anymore with Yoongi, not like he used to.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now