• Kitty Gang •

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"Has anyone seen my wallet?" Sanggu groans while pacing around the sanctuary.

"No, I haven't seen it." Hoseok tells him from way over in the goats section.

"Neither have I." Jimin replies as he walks out of the bird cage from feeding the birds.

"Didn't see anything either." Taehyung says, keeping his eyes on the small dogs playing together, specifically a tiny Pomeranian who was staring back at him.

"Did you leave it up front?" Jungkook asks while playing with the rabbits.

Sanggu takes a moment to think about it. Then a sudden realization hits him hard and he runs to the front, where he finds the wallet on the floor, infront of the cat cages.

Specifically Yoonji's.

"That little bitch!! She robbed me again!" He fumes as he picks up his wallet and opens it, seeing he's missing a twenty.

Hoseok and the others join Sanggu up front, where they see Yoonji's cage open but no Yoonji.

"Yoonji got out again!" Jimin gasps. "We need to find her. It's dark out and anything could happen."

"Taeconda and Junglecock will help!"

"Fuck sakes." Jimin's eye twitches at their behavior. "You both will scare her away with your stupidity."

"I'll go out and find Yoonji." Hoseok offers, but the old man shakes his head and puts his wallet away, seemingly not bothered by this.

"She'll be back. I know her very well." Says Sanggu, looking out the window.

"Are you sure? I feel like we should go out and look for her." Jimin insists.

Sanggu cracks a smile, looking back to the group. "Trust me, she can handle herself."


"Help!! Somebody help me!!"

Mr. Yang helplessly cries out for salvation, his voice echoing off the walls of the metal room he woke up in. His arms and legs are tied down to a metal chair with zip ties, the ties themselves digging deep into his skin, cutting off the blood circulating to his limbs.

Mr. Yang doesn't know how he ended up in this predicament. He only remembers leaving the campus and walking to his car, where he saw a black cat sitting on the roof of his car, glaring at him.

Suddenly he was struck on the back of the head and passed out, before waking up in this strange room.

He doesn't know how long he's been there. Can't even tell if it's night or day since the metal room has no windows, only the dull light coming from an old lamp hanging above him.


Mr. Yang picks up on the sound of a cat's meow. He squints his eyes, his vision slightly blurry from the head trauma. Still, he was able to make out the small figure of a cat sitting infront of him, just barely peeking out from the shadows with her eyes glowing from the lamp above.

It's the same cat he saw earlier, he recognizes her by the red bow around her neck.

"You little rodent!" Mr. Yang sneers at her, trying to come off intimidating, but nothing can intimidate the bad bitch.

Yoonji stares at him, her expression blank, yellow eyes forming into slits as she observes the pathetic human struggling in his seat.

"Meow." Peasant

Obviously Mr. Yang doesn't understand her, but watching him struggle in his seat as he wails for someone to help him gives her so much satisfaction.

"Someone, help me!" He shouts again, this time a strange cackle replies back to him from the shadows of the room, making Mr. Yang shudder in his seat.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now