• A Killer Interest •

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"So you mean to tell me, that a short mint haired guy saved you from two thugs, then ended up humping your leg?"

Hoseok nods. Just hearing the words come out of Sanggu's mouth sounded so bizarre, but it was all true.

After running away from the weirdo, Hoseok bumped into Sanggu. The older man went to look for Hoseok to give him back his wallet that was left on the desk at the animal sanctuary.

When he bumped into Hoseok, he clearly saw the distress and fear on the younger male's face, but Hoseok didn't give him much time to question it as he dragged Sanggu away from the area and straight to his home.

Currently they are in Hoseok's room, with Hoseok sitting on his bed clutching his Mang plushie while Sanggu sat on Hoseok's computer chair, giving Hoseok a look of worry.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Sanggu lets out a deep sigh and rubs the bridge of his nose, a serious question coming to mind.

"Hoseok, are you taking any drugs?"

Hoseok gawks at the question mentioned, offended that Sanggu would accuse him of using controlled substances.

"What?!? No I'm not!" He defends, his face turning red. "Sanggu, I'm not lying about what happened!"

The old man stares at Hoseok for a few beats, then slowly glances down to Hoseok's pant leg, where he sees an odd stain on it. "So if its true, then that isn't a piss stain on your leg?"

"Wha-NO!" Hoseok groans, his cheeks turning even redder when he remembers the mint haired guy cuming on him. "This is...cum."

Sanggu makes a face of disgust. Hoseok doesn't judge him for that.

"Well, it could have been worse." Sanggu says with a low sigh, happy that Hoseok wasn't hurt. "But still, you've been sexually assaulted. Do you want to go to the police?"

Hoseok scoffs. "And say what? That a short guy with mint hair stabbed my attackers and humped me on the leg?" Indeed just saying it out loud was bizarre enough for him to get laughed at by the police.

"I'm just offering." Sanggu shrugs. "I want to make sure you are okay. I know this must have been a traumatizing experience for you."

"It was, but not to the extent that I'll go crazy or something like that." Hoseok huffs out a light chuckle. Sanggu doesn't find it humorous.

"Hoseok, you're a good guy with a good heart. Even the animals at the shelter can see that. They tell me all the time too."

Hoseok snorts. Sanggu claims he has a gift where he can hear the animals thoughts and such. Claims he can teach Hoseok too, but the latter smells the bullshit from it, low key believing Sanggu is just slightly crazy.

"The world is full of fucked up people, and you're one of the few aren't. Which is why I decided I'm going to personally take you home after your shifts."

Hoseok gawks. "Sanggu, no! You live in the opposite direction from my home! I don't want to impose."

Sanggu waves it off. "No, you're not imposing at all. I just want you to get home safely."


"No buts kid. I'm your hyung, so you better listen to me or I'll kick your ass." Sanggu grunts at him, pointing a finger at Hoseok.

"Oh now you wanna play the hyung card." Hoseok rolls his eyes, but smiles to himself, feeling calmer than before. If Sanggu always takes him home, he won't ever have to worry about dealing with random thugs on the street, or crazy men like that mint haired guy who humped him.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now