• Confiding with the Devil •

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Hoseok wasn't expecting much when he entered his classroom the next day.

He figured Mr. Yang was going to give him a belittling speech about him failing his class again, but instead he got the opposite.

Mr. Yang limped his way into the classroom, his hair flustered and messy, face covered in bruises with a noticeable hand print across the face.

It was obvious he had gotten into a fight, and even more obvious that he had lost that fight.

Then there was a pungent smell radiating off him, making the students gag and retreat away from him with sour faces.

Working at the sanctuary, Hoseok instantly recognizes that smell to be cat piss, which strikes him odd. There is no way a cat could have done that to him.

"Today's class will be cancelled, and the final exams will be pushed back until the end of the next month." He informs the students as he sits at his desk, but slowly since his whole body is still in pain. "Class is dismissed, except for Jung Hoseok." He says, looking at the now confused male. "Please come up to my desk. I would like a word with you."

Hoseok has no idea what is going on, but the rest of the class didn't seem to mind as they gathered their stuff and walked out the room.

Hesitantly, Hoseok grabs his backpack and makes his way to Mr. Yang's desk, being sure to keep his distance from the smell.

"Now, I know I wasn't the kindest to you before, but I thought about my actions and indeed they were very inappropriate and out of line."

Hoseok blinks, silently shocked by the sudden change in tone. Was his professor actually being nice to him?

"What I really wanted to say was-"

Just then, the doors to the classroom burst open, with Sanggu making his way over to the desk, slamming both hands upon the surface and giving the startled professor a mean glare.

"Listen here, you son of a bitch! I heard you were being very fucking disrespectful to Jung Hoseok." he sneers at the professor. "This young man right here is one of the best I've ever seen when it comes to veterinarian practice. He's kind hearted and got a good soul.

"Uh...Sanggu..." Hoseok clears his throat, feeling awkward his boss his cursing out his teacher.

"One moment Hoseok, I'm not done chewing this punk out." Sanggu says, keeping his glare on Mr. Yang, whom was cowering in his seat, frightened that perhaps this man will end up kicking his ass too. "If I find out you are harassing and emotionally abusing Hoseok, I will take your ass to the board of education and personally make sure you never step foot inside a learning facility ever again." he pokes his fat finger along Mr. Yang's chest. "Do I make myself clear?"

Mr. Yang nods enthusiastically. "Y-Yes, I heard you loud and clear." he utters, looking to Hoseok with a sorrowful stare. "Hoseok, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior. I promise I'll correct myself from now on." he says, gulping down his nerves.

Hoseok blinks in confusion, but slowly nods his head, going along with it. "Thanks, Mr. Yang." he says, feeling unsure.

"Good. It better stay that way too." Sanggu warns. "And don't you fucking worry about that final exam, I'll personally train with Hoseok so that's ready for it. This young man is going to pass this class." he says, looking to Hoseok with a frim nod.

Hoseok nearly wanted to die out of embarrassment. He really wasn't expecting Sanggu to show up like e did, although he is very grateful for Sanggu's support.

"C'mon kid. Looks like class is over. I'll take you to the sanctuary." Sanggu says, leading Hoseok out the door.

"Um sure." Hoseok rubs his neck, having nothing else to say as he leaves with Sanggu.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now