• Human Affection •

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Yoongi never showed up that night to Hoseok's house.

Hoseok should have been relieved about it, if anything he shouldn't have cared.

But he was not relieved and he did care, more than he should.

"Since Mr. Yang is on a temporary vacation due to medical reasons, I will be resuming his position for the rest of the semester." Ms. Khan, the new veterinarian professor, announces as she resumes the lesson for the day.

Hoseok wasn't paying much attention, couldn't bring himself to care much since his thoughts were focused on Yoongi.

He really waited for him, even unlocked the back door just so Yoongi can enter with no problems.

He waited for hours, going past three in the morning, still waiting for the psycho to come and visit him. He barely got any sleep, and is practically falling asleep in class as the lesson continues.

Bitterness is the best way to describe what Hoseok is feeling at the moment. But there was also his insecurities talking to him, inputting intrusive thoughts that made him feel as if he wasn't good enough for the psycho, as if he was stupid enough to actually believe there was something between them.

But then comes his rational thoughts, scolding him for even thinking low of himself, and also looking for validation from a psycho, and putting his family at risk by allowing Yoongi to stay with him.

He's not good for you Hoseok. Yoongi is a fucking seral killer. The man lives and breathes for blood.

He nods to himself in agreement, yet his intrusive thoughts spoke up in defense.

He probably got bored of you already. Sees that are too fucking soft. When you see him again, remind our little kitten just who they are fucking with.

Hoseok feels his throat dry out, his body tingling from the dangerous thoughts forming a dark cloud in his mind. It scares him to even have those thoughts, but ever since he met Yoongi, those thoughts started surfacing, making him start to question his own sanity.

Make the little bastard suffer. Prove to him you aren't such a soft fucking half virgin.

"Hoseok?" A gentle voice interrupts the dark thoughts, making Hoseok blink in confusion before casting a cold gaze up to Ms. Khan, whom was currently standing in front of his desk with a raised brow and stoic expression on her face.

"I was told you needed some extra help with the upcoming final exams." Ms. Khan leans on one leg while crossing her arms over her flat chest, letting her ebony colored hair sweep down her back. "I suggest you pay attention to this lesson. It will help you with the exams." her tone is swift but firm, indicating she was not amused catching him not paying attention during her lesson.

Snickers and giggles emerge from the class. Hoseok shifts his cold gaze over to his classmates, instantly making them shut up and look forward.

"I'm sorry." He says after a beat, then shifts his attention back to the professor. "I've been up all night studying." He lies through his teeth, with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, exposing a soft dimple just for that added sweet touch.

That sweetness works on the professor. A ghost of a smile tugs at Ms. Khan's lips and she nods, clearly believing him. "I admire that, but don't pressure yourself too hard." She places a gentle hand on his shoulder, squeezing it just the slightest to give him reassurance.

Hoseok wanted to grab it and break it. But he shook that thought away, surprised and shocked with himself. What the fuck is wrong with me??

"I promise I won't." He replies, returning a smile of his own, a bit wider than before, showing off his heart shaped lips. Fucking cunt. Hope a yeast infection lives rent free between your crusty pussy lips.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now