• The Pyscho Treatment •

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Trigger warning: Strong Language/ homophobia

The last several months have been nothing but an ass aching, headache enticing, fret for Officer Jeon.

The serial killer cases have been giving him, as well as his department, a huge run for their money, making them look bad in the eyes of the public.

106 murder cases so far and not one piece of evidence that points to the killer.

"It's been a week and no new bodies have shown up." Shi-hyuk informs officer Jeon, siting himself down across from Officer Jeon's desk. "The Chief was smart to increase the amount of patrols on the streets, plus adding more cctv cameras too."

Officer Jeon scoffs, unimpressed by the new changes. "Yeah, the fucking killer is taking a break while we have to bust our asses doing over time." he mutters, proving his point by filing out more paperwork that was given to him.

Shi-hyuk nods, feeling the same about the increase in hours. "But at least it gives us some time to come up with a better alternative in figuring out who the killer is."

Officer Jeon isn't impressed again, nothing really impresses him.

What a fucking hard ass.

"Why not do it the old fashion way and send one of the women in as a decoy. The killer loved to go after prostitutes." Officer Jeon suggests.

Shi-hyuk gives him a weird glance. "We were considering that, but we don't want to risk losing an officer. We don't know if this killer is working alone or with someone."

"From what I can tell, it's probably just one person."

"Yeah, but this one person was able to kill two people in one sitting." Shi-hyuk implies to the murder cases of Tablo and Dean. "We aren't dealing with an ordinary killer."

Officer Jeon sets his papers down, giving Shi-hyuk a half grin. "Since when were serial killers ever normal?"

True, none of them are normal.

"Didn't you say you had a suspect in mind? That parasite that was living in your house?" Officer Jeon asks, remembering an earlier conversation he had with Shi-hyuk during a patrol once.

Shi-hyuk nods, discomfort settling in on his face. "Yeah, my step-son's ex boyfriend, Min Yoongi." Just saying Yoongi's name makes Shi-hyuk's stomach ache.

"Ex? Meaning you finally got rid of him?"

Shi-hyuk nods. "Yeah, finally convinced Namjoon to get rid of the prick. Couldn't have him staying in my home leeching onto Namjoon."

Officer Jeon nods. "That's good news, and Namjoon is a great kid, smart too."

"Yeah, he really is." Shi-hyuk replies with a fond smile. "Namjoon's been through a lot since his mother died. All I want is to make sure he stays in school, stays happy, and keeps himself on the right path." It's all honesty in Shi-hyuks part. He really does care for Namjoon, even though he always keeps a stoic wall between the two.

"Ya know, I was thinking, maybe he should try out for the police department." Officer Jeon suggests.

Shi-hyuk leans back on his seat with a deep sigh. "I was thinking the same. I want to talk to him about it when we both a have a chance to sit down together, which we haven't been able to due to my work hours."

"Well, at least you have something to look forward to when you get home." The dark under tone officer Jeon uses immediately hints that he's referring to his son, Jungkook.

"What are you so hard on your son? He's doing everything you ask of him." Shi-hyuk tells him with a frown. Shi-hyuk knows about the issues between Officer Jeon and Jungkook.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now