• Fated Decisions •

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"Don't think about it too much. Just insert the needle and slowly draw back the syringe." Sanggu instructs Hoseok.

Hoseok does as told, feeling queasy as he draws blood from the practice dummy. He succeeds in doing the task, feeling a little sick but manageable.

Right after school, Hoseok went straight to the sanctuary and had Sanggu train him again on drawing blood. This time he is determined to get through his phobia, no matter what it takes.

"Good job kid." Sanggu praises as he takes the syringe with the fake blood and sets it aside. "See? It wasn't so bad."

"That's because it's fake blood." Hoseok tells him with a frown. "It doesn't even smell, not like real blood."

"So it's the smell of blood that bothers you?" Sanggu asks as he preps the tools for a mock surgery.

Hoseok nods, his hands begin shaking when he sees Sanggu pull out a sharp scalpel. "And the feeling of blood too. Both make me feel queasy." He admits.

Sanggu nods while placing all the tools on the table next to the surgery dummy. "The smell of blood is never pleasant. I don't like it either which is why I wear a mask when I have to draw blood from the animals."

"And touching it? What do you do for that?" Hoseok asks.

"Well, technically you'll be wearing sterilized gloves when handling live animals. You won't even feel it." Sanggu tells him. "But in the case that you do get blood on your hands, just imagine it's water."

"But dyed red...and sticky."

Sanggu glares at him. "Try not to think about it too much." He says as he gives Hoseok a syringe filled with a clear liquid. "Since you were able to inject the dummy, we are going to do a live test."

Upon hearing that, anxiety slowly creeps around Hoseok, making him shudder under its presence. "Are you sure that I'm ready?" He asks.

"I know you are." Sanggu says as he walks to the end of the steps and looks up the stairs. "Taehyung, bring down the dog."

"A dog? One of the animals is sick?" Hoseok asks.

"Yeah. We got a small pomeranian that has a few health issues. He needs his blood drawn and given medicine." Sanggu tells him as he stares at the door on top of the stairs. "Taehyung, bring the damn dog!" He calls out, and in return, he hears the animals going into a frenzy.

"For fuck sake, what the hell are they doing!?" Sanggu grumbles as he stomps his way up the stairs.

Hoseok quickly follows him up, curious and worried about his friends.

As soon as they reach the top, they come across Taehyung and Jungkook trying to calm the animals down.

"What did you two idiots do?" Sanggu scolds them as he approaches the animal cages.

"We didn't do anything Mr. Sanggu!" Jungkook says in defense.

"I was going to take the dog out when suddenly they all started freaking out." Taehyung adds while trying to calm down the small pomeranian in his arms. "They saw something outside that scared them." He says, looking out the window.

Hoseok looks out the window but sees no one outside. Yet the animals continue their frenzy, with the dogs barking and the cats hissing.

Speaking of cats, Yoonji was sitting in front of the door, with her back hunched and the hairs standing up.

"How did she get out?" Sanggu asks, disappointed but not surprised Yoonji got out of her cage again.

"She picked the lock. I watched her do it. Was impressed." Jungkook tells him with a proud smile.

Fracture: Unhinged [Yoonseok FF]Where stories live. Discover now