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#Trouble maker Kim

2015 (Past)

Narrator's pov

The girl dodge the boy's punch. Kicking him on the stomach that made him stumbled on the ground. Unconscious. She look at her younger friend beside her and arrogantly smirked.

"U-unnie. Im sure your brothers will nag at you again." The older girl chuckled at the younger's statement.

"When did I ever cared about their nags huh?"

"B-but how can you face them with that busted lips and swollen fists?"The older female rolled her eyes getting annoyed at Lisa's questions.

"Im Jisoo and I'm okay. Let's go. Let me drop you home now kiddo."She said ruffling her hair.

"Im not a freaking kid you know. Incase you forgot that your older brother is my Boyfriend."Lisa exclaimed made Jisoo grimaced in disgust. She's just a jealous single.

"Stop making me feel single!"She retorted.

"Which you really are"Lisa stuck her tongue on Jisoo and run away. Jisoo shook her head because of how childish Lisa was but she loves her.


Jisoo finally arrived from dropping off Lisa in her home safely. Stepping on the their Mansion's white marbled floor and hearing some mild arguments that obviously came from the living room. She could feel the never-ending nags that she will receive from her brothers as she walk nearer and nearer towards the living room.

Seeing her brothers look at her madly while she is heading towards her twin brother Taehyung and calmly sitting beside him.

"Hey fellas." She tiredly yet happily greet them like nothing happened a while ago.

"Hey! You!" She called one of their house maids. She hurriedly walk towards her young mistress not forgetting bowing her head greeting her in respect.

"Bring me a glass of water and add some ice cubes in it."

"Yes young mistress."Jisoo make her self comfortable on the couch. Their oldest brother glared at her and sighed in frustration.

"When the fuck are you going to change huh?" The first child in their family Seokjin yelled at her in rage.

"You are a Girl for God's sake Kim Jisoo and you are acting like a fucking dude!"He raised his voice on the other level but instead of getting scared and feel bad. Jisoo look at him and smile calmly making her older brother gets even more mad. Namjoon the second child pulled his hyung down. Trying to calm the other one.

"Jisooya. it's already 9:00pm. And I received a call from your homeroom teacher and told me you ditched your Mathematics and Chemistry subject and don't you dare lie to us." Namjoon calmly ask her.

"And what happened to your face?"

Namjoon the smarty ass with an IQ of 148 spoke worriedly.

"Coming home with a dirty uniform. Busted lips. Swollen fists and smells like a drunkard old woman. She obviously went on the club and got her self into a fight as usual hyung." Taehyung. Her twin brother spoke, filled with sarcasm and a little bit of truth. Jisoo look at him proudly.

"You know me too well dear twin brother." She winked at him.

"Well I'm not alone though. Lisa went with me. We just want to have some fun after a hectic day at school, but I guess it wasn't really our day to have a piece of mind when there's this bunch of guys harassing a girl and of course I wouldn't just stand there and look at the poor girl. Then I couldn't hold my anger anymore so BOOM knocked out." She tried to explain the whole story. "Happy now?"

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