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Jisoo's pov.

"Are you still going home here in Korea?" I ask Jimin through the phone. It's been 2 months since I migrated back here in the country. Everyone were all busy. We are all busy on our own works. My meeting appointment with the J company was postponed because of me. I needed to pay more focus on my company first especially the redesigning are about to finish. Me and Nayeon were always sticking towards each other because of the unfinished work.

( I need to finish my work here in US Soo and after this, I'll come home. Even though I don't want to but I don't have any choice. Dad assigned me to be the Chairman of our company there.)

Jimin never wanted to come back here because his bad memories was here also. He got his first break-up here in this country. There's this grudge in his heart. He couldn't accept the fact that he was fooled, and got cheated on.

Well we can't call it cheat because both of them never have any chance to date.

"But I'm here-"

(I know. But it's still fucking hurt remembering it Soo. I'm still not over from her.)

I sighed and look at Nayeon who's busy checking the designs for my upcoming office. The company is already done. We'll just going to go and buy some furniture to complete it already.

I stood up made Nayeon look at me. Pointing at my phone, asking for permission that I need to answer the phone.

I went in my undone office to talk to him freely. I never imagined Jimin being hurt like this. Nine years he drowned himself on studies and graduated. He work immediately just to forget her. Well me I did the same but sooner I stopped because I realize. I'm not on my normal life back then. I need to follow the time management that I made for my self so that I won't waste any of my time.

I needed to make sure that I will have time for my children. I made them my top priorities in life. I don't want them to feel that they're not important to me, that I choose work over them. Like what my parents made me feel like since I still a kid. That will never happen to them.

And although I want to forget him. I couldn't. Because by just looking on my kids faces the way they move. The way they act is very him. Including Luca who's still not awake from his coma situation. I automatically remember him. Because my kids took his appearance they took less from mine. I can see him in them and I'm trying to get used to it. Maybe that's the reason why I don't feel awkward when I'm facing him now. We're just like friends back then but I make sure to put a barrier between us. Everything had changed now. We don't talk unless it's about Somi's health.

"Then how about me? We're just the same Chim. But I bare all of it because we can't just run away from our problem. We need face the reality and moved on."

Did you move on Jisoo? Are you sure you've already moved on?

( Let's not talk about it and I don't know when but...when I'm done with all my works here.)

"Fine...gotta go now I'm busy. Be careful there hmm?"

(Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself, don't forget to exercise every weekend-)

"I'm doing it with Luna ang Luke okay?" Jimin always want us to be healthy. When we're together, he's being a bossy and wanted to dragged us in his healthy lifestyle including two kids. Khh my God, I don't want them to do this but they're scared of their uncle and couldn't do anything.

And if I refuse too? He's going to confiscate the BMW. He's the one who bought me that and I'm the one who bought the Raptor one.

He's the worst persin I've ever met. He act like my father for Pete's sake. Were on the fucking same age!

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