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#Not so perfect Family..

Jisoo's pov

I went downstairs to eat my breakfast with them. It's not like I want to eat with them tho, it's just I don't have any choice. Settling on my seat silently, not even giving them a single glance.

"You need to stop all your bad habits Jisoo. You're ruining our family's reputation." Reputation....

"You're always thinking about your reputation. Well I apologize for being a disgrace in this family." I answered sarcastically.

"Why can't you follow your brothers? They have a good grades and study so well. You need to be a doctor on the future. See? Roseanne is better than you!"

Throwing my spoon on the table causing a huge thump silence them. Why do they keep comparing me to others?huh?

"Avoid trouble sweetheart."Jin hyung whispered beside me.

"Then why don't you and Mr.Park exchange Daughter's huh? I'd like him more to be my dad than you anyway." I replied. Rolling my eyes at him. I was satisfied at my answer and seeing his face fell was like everything to me. Get that old man.

Author's pov

"Are you really testing my patience do you? Fine from now on you are forbidden to hold a drummer stick. You are forbidden to wear that dark makeups and you are grounded. No cars. No clubbing. No gadgets. Just books! Medicine books-"

Jisoo stood up slamming her hands on the table facing her father in rage. Her veins are now visible as she clenched her fist.

"Do you think I'am like Her? That you can easily manipulate around huh? I won't let you control me and my life...ever again." Jisoo yelled in their faces.

"Do you think I've completely forgot and forgive what you did to my Dara unnie hmm? If you did just let her do what she wanted. If you just let her chase and pursue her dreams to become a K-pop idol. If you didn't threatened her to leave her boyfriend she wouldn't kill herself! She could've been here. Alive by my side!! And siding me, supporting me at everything!!"Tears fell because of her anger. Her brothers look at her silently. It's rare of her to burst out like this. Especially Infront of their parents.

"Are you blaming us now for your Sister's death-"

"Yes! I am. why? am I wrong though? If you were thinking that I am the one's ruining this God damn family well I am not. You  are! SO FUCK YOUR MEDICINE.FUCK YOUR HOSPITAL.FUCK YOUR REPUTATIONS!! FUCK EVERYTHING. FUCK YOU!!!!!!"

She fell on the floor when her father slapped her harder this time made her lips swollen and bruise. Taehyung widened his eyes as he run to her helping her up. Jisoo shove his hands away from her and chuckled.

"You already lost one of your children
Don't make it two." She then grab her bag and left with a heavy heart. Because of madness.

"You better leave as soon as possible."Seokjin gritted his teeth.

"You guys are making her worst." He then left for his university as Namjoon followed him. Taehyung stood there clenching his fist.

"Please stop hurting her dad. I believed that Jisoo had her reasons why she's rebelling against this family."

"And this is her reason."

He left as well leaving their parents dumbfounded. They never expected Jisoo being this disobedient and rude towards them.


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