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Jisoo's pov

I woke up when the sun hits my face. I couldn't even move my damn body. My lower part went numb like is this normal? For the first timer? Who wouldn't get a fucking body numb right? He literally rock my world last night. Remembering his look last night, from his body sculpture like a Greek God and..his huge-Fuck no, no. Jisoo stop now, you're getting horny over him stop.

I turn around and saw no one beside me. Did he leave me? How dare he leaving me in this situation? Fuck him.

The door suddenly opened wide revealing him carrying a tray of breakfast obviously. I didn't move a single muscle because girl I can't even explain it properly.

"You're awake?" I just nod my head. I don't know but I sudden feet shy towards him. What the heck?

He went to place the tray on the bedside table and went towards the other area of the room grabbing the small breakfast table settling it in front of me as he placed the food on it as well. I look at him sitting beside the bed looking at me. He wear a black over sized T-shirt and Shorts. Showing his tattoo on his right arm. that's hot .

"Y-you made this?" I ask. He smiled and hummed in response. I sat straight biting my lower lip in pain. I heard him chuckled. I gave him a death glare.

"Don't you dare laugh. You're the who did this!" I hissed at him.

"Ohhh tell me who's the one who ask me to fuck her? Huh?" I rolled my eyes and started to eat the sandwich made by him.

"So hows your feeling?" I saw him smirking and I smirk back.

"Well it felt good you know. It was my first time being fucked. " He grimaced at my response. He stood up heading towards his bathroom after a few moments he came back and right after I finished my breakfast.

"I readied your bath." I raised my eyebrows at him. He's  surprisingly being nice and sweet to me huh.

"Bring me there. I cannot even stand up." He once again chuckled and this time I got annoyed.

"Stop with your annoying chuckles!"

"If it's not because of your 9 or something 10 inches long dick and 4 inches wide-"

"Stop ranting,you enjoyed it though. " Yeah, I enjoyed it though."And you really don't have any filter on your freaking mouth aren't you?"

"What the heck are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows at his words. Filter in my mouth? What kind of filter? Instagram Filter or Facebook? or Snapchat?

"Other girls get easily embarrassed and shy on the next day when they remembered what happened the other night." he explained." Unlike you who seems even enjoying talking about it. Saying some inappropriate words."tskk looks who's talking bitch.

"Stop acting innocent you Little shit." I cursed at him.

We arrived inside the bathroom as he slowly put me down. He wasn't looking at my body. What now? He's shy?

"All I can say to you is you're different Kim." I smirk flipping my hair sassily.

"Of course. This girl in front of you is a One God Damn unique human being. You can consider me as..."

"Aphrodite's Daughter" I blink my eyes at him as he only rolled his eye balls.

"Why is it so cold?" I ask. He look at me and smile.

"To get rid of your numbness and pain over there. I'll be waiting outside call me of you need something." Before I could even answer he hurriedly left. Leaving me alone in the bathtub. It feels refreshing. I should thank him.

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