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Author's pov

Arriving at the Kim's mansion. Visitors are everywhere as the mellow background music plays. Everyone were eating and  some were chit chatting. Jisoo's friends and their family were also invited. While waiting for the event to start Jisoo headed herself towards the balcony resting her elbow on the railings enjoying the dark sky above her.

"We have a new sister unnie. I hope everything goes well."

She whispered and that moment a veiny arms wrapped around her waist from the back.

"Excited to see your little sister?"Jungkook shove his face at the crook of her neck.

"I don't know." She whispered back. Putting her hands on Jungkook's arms. Closing her eyes enjoying his embrace.

Jisoo really wanted a little sister but she decided not to ask her parents about it because she knows how suffocating being part of this family.

"I know what you're thinking love." Jungkook kissed her head sniffing her hair.

"I know. I still haven't met her but I don't want her to experience what me and my older sister have been experienced back then Kook. She's still 9 years old and she deserves to live what other kids should live like. She's way too young to experience those shits in life you know?" Jungkook couldn't stop himself for being proud of her. Jisoo is brute and merciless when it comes to revenge and pranks. She always bring herself in different kind of chaos in life. Having this vulgar mouth who doesn't even hesitate to speak those inappropriate words. Dissing and cursing is her thing but yet there's this soft side of her when the topic is about kids.

She fucking love children for Pete's sake.

"Do you love kids?" Jungkook raise his eyebrows at her question and smile looking at the moon above them.

"Yes. They're so adorable and-"

"If we will have our own on the future what name do you think we will name them?" She ask again. Jungkook blush at the thought of having a family with her.

What the heck is she talking about? They don't even have label. But he kinda likes idea.

"Well I wanted to have a three children or more than that but I really wish we have twins or triplets or quadruplets." Jisoo's eyes widened at his words.

"Are you planning to kill me huh?" She punched his arms playfully made the guy chuckled.

"Since I'm a selenophile." He squinted his eyes thinking.

(Selenoohile is those people who loves moon)

"If we will have a two boys I'll name them. Lucarrie and Luke."Jisoo giggled loving the name he gave.

"And Lucarrie's nickname will be Luca."Jungkook nodded as his response.

"I'll name the girl one." She said excitedly.

"Hmmm Lunaire, and we can call her Luna. What do you think?"

"And if we will be having a third child or might be the youngest, let's name her, Liarah, she will be her siblings sun."

"Celestial names is indeed beautiful." Jungkook answered. Their moment was ruined by some idiots who's eavesdropping them.

"Look at them,they look like a newly wed"- Lisa

"And added the part that they're already talking about their children's names...how cute."-Nayeon

"Stop pushing they might caught us!"-Momo

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