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Jisoo's pov.

We just came home from the island. Today is Wednesday as the kids took a two days absent in school because of it. They were excuse of all of their classes as well. Tzuyu didn't come with us because she just started to study as a pilot. I don't want to bother her. I want her to focus on her studies since I know that the course is not easy. Perfect computations or let's say it on the easy way, MATH problems she needed to learn those for her to drive the plane on the future.

Well Tzuyu is smart. She can do it. I am already assured that she will be a successful Pilot when the day comes. I promised her that I will be there beside her I'll celebrate her successes with her and join her mourning of her losses and about Luca, he's doing well now. Nurses said they sometimes saw Luca's finger's were moving and it gave me hope that he's going to wake up very soon.

I am here in my office. It's already 12am in the midnight and still working on some Hospital files and some paperworks in my business. I need to visit the company tomorrow morning with Nayeon for the ribbon cutting and on the evening? Jennie rescheduled her wedding's after-party on a club. Just us...friends.

I did three heart surgeries this morning, the reason why I stayed late at night now to do all the unfinished papers and hospital files because I don't have any available time to do it tomorrow since my schedule for tomorrow is full. It was tiring but I need to do this for my children's future, Tzuyu, Luna, Luke and Luca.

I sighed in relief when I saw the last folder on my table. Grabbing the glass of coffee and took a sip on it before opening the folder.

My smile fell when I saw where the file came from.

J group's business proposal.

I closed it again and put it aside. I have already signed the papers. I will just send it back there at their company and ask my secretary to send them a letter.

I lean my back on my swiveling chair and stared at the folder. My thumb was caressing my lower lip.

I don't have any idea if I'm doing the right thing. Taehyung will surely will put his nose in my business.

My phone rings as I grab it from my bag and answered it without looking at the caller's ID.


It's Tzuyu.

"Ohh hey why you are still awake? Still studying?"I ask with my usual happy voice. I don't want to make her worry for me and to cheer her as well.

[Yeah...but I'm done now. I called just to make sure if you're okay. It's already 1am though.]

I smiled at her words. It made my heart melt. She's so sweet.

"Imy done actually. I am about to go home now don't worry. How about your brother and sister?"I ask standing up on my seat and ready my self to go, taking off my coat and hang it on the swiveling Chair. Gabbing my bag and went outside. I locked it first before leaving.

[They cried but thank god I'm abled to calm them down. Be careful on your way mom. I couldn't open my eyes any more I'm soo-ahhhhwwrrr sleeeppy.]

She even yawned made me chuckled.

"Okay then sleep tight my love. I'm going home now."I said and hang the phone up.

When I arrived at the parking lot iy went straight towards my car and went inside starting the engine and drove off. I decided to stop on the near convenience store to buy the kids an ice cream so that tomorrow they're not going to give me their grumpy faces and throw an attitude on me.

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