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Jisoo's pov

(Next day)

I'm with my friends right now eating our lunch. I saw how Jennie, Lisa and Rosé talk to this new students like they know each other for years. I'm not jealous because I know they love me. Me and Taehyung are still not on good terms. Both of us ignored each other and I don't care. Tae and the other two hyungs along with my parents did something that made me mad, extremely mad, and felt insecure of myself.

"Unnie..."I heard Rosé. I look up at her and smile slightly.

"Yeah?" My response.

"Are you okay now Jisoo-ssi?"Jihyo, Guinevere unnie's sister ask. I just look at her shrugged my shoulders.

"I apologize if you found me rude this past  three weeks. I was just...having a small problem that's why I'm having a bad mood in three weeks straight."I chuckled trying to change the topic.

I don't want to talk, to move, to listen to anyone, going home with someone beside me. I spend my time alone for three weeks. I don't know how to prevent myself from overthinking. After that sunday night that my family left me alone and went to a expensive restaurant to eat dinner without me. Having a family dinner without me. they didn't even bother to call me from my room and left like...they don't have a sister and a daughter. Cool right? Maybe they thought that I was sleeping but no I was just watching TV inside my room but no one  approached me. I just notice the house was so quiet, dark and cold, I saw our dining table empty and I decided to roam around the city and saw them inside the restaurant eating happily. I felt that I am not belong to this family. I went to a convenience store and eat ramen. Alone.

"You can always tell us unnie. Please don't make us worry about you."Lisa said and unwrapped a lollipop shoving it in my mouth. We just finished our lunch though.

"Aigoo, my Lili grew now huh? don't worry about me." I look at the other three girls and smile.

"So...hi, I'm Kim Jisoo."

"Im Nayeon, nice to meet you."
The girl with brown hair said, showing her bunny teeth. Cute.

"Momo..Hirai Momo."Chinese or Japanese?

"And I'm Japanese." Oh that explains a lot.

"That's cool. Hi Momo your Korean is great." I was trying to catch up with them.

"Well I learned Korean language in one year.."She added and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ears. acting so shy.

"Good for you." I siad.

"And im-"

"Park Jihyo." She look at me confused made me chuckled a little bit.

"Your sister and my late sister were best friends. She was like my second sister though."I confessed and she nodded.

"So...welcome to Seoul Academy and..." I place my hand in front of them for a hand shake.

"Welcome to my group."

Lisa's pov

Thank God. She looks fine now. All of us doesn't have any idea what is happening on her these past three weeks. All of us knows that Jisoo unnie is quite mysterious but maybe that was just her nature. Her looks that made her mysterious... I don't know. All I know is that she's kind although she's looking like badass Queen like other people saw her.

I saw Jungkook on the other table was readying himself to throw a empty milk box. I was about tho tell unnie about it when her head throw forward. People inside the cafeteria froze on their seat. So do us. When a good mood Jisoo mo one should get in her nerves because...

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