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Jisoo's pov

The moment I woke up and went straight towards the kitchen to make breakfast for them. I promised them yesterday so I have to do it.

And besides I'm practicing my cooking skills in the future. Mine and Jungkook's future.

I made a kimchi fried rice, fried some chicken nuggets, boiling some eggs and made some mango juice.

"Good morning unnie!" Somi energetically greet me. I smiled and ask her to help me arrange the dining table.

Somi thankfully got strong somehow. But still that doesn't mean she's already free. We need to check her up from time to time. The doctor gave her an agreement that's she can already go to school but she shouldn't forget about her medication. Auntie Jessie said, she's going to enroll Somi at our school next month and started to find bodyguards and private nurses for her.

Not too long. Jennie and Taehyung arrived and admire the foods I made.

"You did great Sis."Taehyung complimented. I only smiled at him. I notice how he stared at me.

"Why are you staring at me?"I ask and giggle.

"I never thought you can be this soft hearted person." He said. I look at him seeing his eyes glistened from his small tears.

My smile vanished when it finally rolled down on his cheeks.

I felt my heart being squished so I started tearing up as well. I can't control my emotions too. What the hell?

"Hey. Why the fuck are you crying?" I ask. Jennie on the other side were trying her best to hold her laugh. Seeing Taehyung's pathetic crying face.

"It's j-just...fuck!" He look away and sob. I went to hug him tight and he's seriously crying.

It's rare for him to cry and it hurts me actually. even Jennie went serious seeing Taehyung crying for real.

"I'm just proud of you." He kissed my forehead and wipe his tears away when the other's arrive getting confused why Taehyung's eyes are swollen as hell.

Lisa look at me questioningly and I just nodded saying that's he's fine.

We all took our breakfast. I was happy, we laughed, tease. I hope this amazing friendship that we have would stay like this forever.

"I'll wash the dishes." I volunteered. They look at me in surprise.

"Woahh. This is new did you eat something or did you bump your head somewhere?"Jimin ask. I rolled my eyes at him. He kept tailing behind Rosé everytime. Boy he's madly in love. I know Jimin, he's the closest cousin that I have.

So his unexpected behavior kinda shocked me too. He was not like this before .

"Let me help you unnie."Rosé offered.

"No I'll help her." All of our attention averted at Somi. She was firm and cold when she spoke those words.

"Somi just rest we're fine." I said reassuring her. She's been acting slightly rude to Rosé this days. Sometimes catch her glaring at her secretly or mocking her words. Is there something wrong?

She was about to protest but I gave her a meaningful look. She just look down nodding her head.

I saw her was about to leave when I called her. Everyone was silent. No one dares to talk.

"Let's talk later hmm?" I said softly. I don't want to scare her in some ways. She smiled and nodded at me.

"Okay guys chill."Hobi broke the uncomfortable tension. I look at Rosé beside me bitting her lower lips.

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