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Jisoo's POV

Forgiving someone you truly love, despite their past wrongdoings and poor decisions, is a profound act of courage and compassion. It is a testament to the depth of your love and the strength of your character. Forgiveness does not erase the pain or the memories of the past, but it allows you to release the burden of resentment and anger, freeing yourself from the chains of bitterness. It is a choice to prioritize peace and healing over holding onto grudges and hurt. In forgiving, you choose to see the humanity in the person you love, acknowledging their flaws and imperfections while embracing the possibility of growth, redemption, and a renewed bond built on understanding and acceptance.

"Are they...back?"

"What happe-oh shit!"

"Shushh, quiet. You might wake them up."

"Honey, I think they did it."

"They did what?"

"Closure! That's what I meant gosh you green minded."

I slowly opened my eyes, squinting it to adjust at the brightness. I look at me and Jungkook's position. Did we really fell asleep like this? His head layed on the head rest of the sofa as his right arms serves as my pillow. My eyes travels on his face as a smile automatically crept on my face, he looks so peaceful.

"G-goodmorning."I was taken a back when I heard our parent's voice. I look at the opposite corner of the room amd saw  Jungkook and my parents. Looking at us shocked. So do I?

My lips quiver as I don't know what or how to respond to them. My hand reach for his, patting his hand to wake him up.

"Hmm." He moans.

"Yah." I lean to him and whisper shout.

"Wake up Jeon." I look away, getting uncomfortable at our parent's look. I lean closer to Jungkook trying to wake him up.


I saw him opening his eyes, he smiles as our eyes met. I don't know if I smile back or what but at the end, I gave him a frown.

"Good morning." He softly greeted.

"Y-yeah..." I witnessed how his forehead frowned when I said those. I look away from uim and was about to stand up when he pulled me back down.

"I said good morning Soo. Why aren't you answering me?" He held my waist and pulled me closer to him. I pat his chest and laugh awkwardly-nervously rather.

"H-ha-ha-ha enough." I gritted my teeth. Tilting my head, trying to tell him that we're not alone.

"My baby. My baby baby tsk tsk tsk." I want to smack his head. Is he stupid? How can he not notice them?

"Kook... not now-" I widened my eyes when he planted me a kiss on my forehead!

Burry me now! Bury me nowww!!!

"I'll let go if you'll greet me back."

This bish.

"G-good morning." I said.

"Good morning son." Jungkook smile vanished. I saw his Adams apple moved indication that he just swallowed the huge lump in his throat.

"You weak shit." I let out a aggressive breath and stood up.

"D-dad, mom!" He surprisingly called his father. "You're here?" Is he asking or- gosh this man.

"We arrive 20 minutes ago." Mom smiled, holding into Dad's shirt.

"And don't worry about Luna. She's in school now."Dad added, I nodded. Nervously scratching my nose.

"We did not bring anything with us as we already ate breakfast downstairs." Jungkook's mom smile at us awkwardly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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