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Jisoo's pov

I left home for school early in the morning. I just wanted to have some time for my self sometimes. And probably need a time to think. I stopped on a Café nearby our school and ordered the red velvet cake that I was craving for so long. This is Dara unnie's favourite and it became my favorite as well since she always recommend this flavor back then. Everyone said that I looked like Dara unnie. Both of us has a same look. Not specifically the same but almost the same.

Maybe because the both us always sticks together when she was still alive. I don't know. And now people said me and Jin hyung are look alike. Well we did really but of course I'm prettier than him. No one can beat how pretty and cool I am.

"Hello Miss." I looked up seeing a woman with her business suit. Her physical features screams wealth and elegance. She kinda oddly look familiar.

"How may I help you?" I ask trying not to sound rude. She seems nice though. I guess.

Author's pov

"I am Guinevere Park please call me Guin. Do you mind me occupying that seat?"Jisoo look at the available chair in front of her.

"Oh no. You can take that seat." She smiled. Nodding her head. She kept staring at her face trying to remember where did she saw or met her but she couldn't remember a thing about her.


"The reason why I approach you when the moment I saw you because, you look someone I know. She was my best friend but she already passed away years ago."Guin confessed truthfully. She scanned Jisoo's face as her eyes watered.Jisoo notice this and quickly widened her eyes.

"Oh My God I'm so so sorry. Are you okay?"She ask hurriedly grabbing some tissues and gave it to her.

"I'm fine. I just miss her and couldn't help but get emotional everytime I remember her. But seeing her in you felt like a deja vu. Her style is really like that." Guin said pointing at her. Jisoo felt a little bit of uncomfortable at her stares but she tried to listen.

"She's obsessed in drums and once dreamed to become an k-pop idol. Well we both dreamed to become one together. But sadly, she passed away without even saying goodbye or telling me she loves me as her friend in person but she left a simple sad letter." She continued. Looking outside the Café's window. Hearing those words Jisoo felt this weird and strange feeling. Guin's story is quite oddly familiar to her.

"Gosh. Why am I telling you this. I'm sorry about that miss." She apologized. Jisoo nodded at her and smile anxiously.

"Can I ask?" Guin nodded her head to her.

"What is her name?"She ask softly. Guin look at her she saw Jisoo's eyes turned into glossy.

"Sandara Kim. She was my best friend like sister. Both of us studied at that school. We both act like we're lovers tho..."Guin chuckled remembering their silly and childish doings. She obviously missing her best friend a lot. Jisoo's tears fell uncontrollably as she remember the woman in front of her.

"Jisoo-yah!! I'll introduce someone to you come!!."Dara called Jisoo from the living room. Jisoo run down the stairs excitedly. she hugged Dara's knees.

"I miss you unnie why did you came home so late?"Jisoo pouted crossing her arms on her chest cutely made Dara and this unknown person behind her chuckled at her cuteness.

"Baby. Dara unnie is so busy at school. You'll understand me when you grow up kike me." She said bopping Jisoo's small cute pointy nose.

"Anyways this is Guin Unnie my best friend. She can be your second sister too what do you think?" Guin went beside Dara and bent down her level. She was beautiful made Jisoo stunned.

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