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Jisoo's POV

"What happened?" I look at Jimin who just arrive here in the ward. It's currently eleven in the evening. He then turns the ward's light into dim.

"Jiminah. What should I do?" I want to cry again. Thinking that Jungkook will start pursuing the kids scares me now. "Jungkook might steal them away from me-"

"Is that the reason why you're still awake?" I look at him as he went beside me on the couch. I look at my kids laying comfortably on the ward's bed.

"Jisoo, I know that Jungkook is a jerk but I don't think he'll take them away from you. Yes he might barrow them on the future but that is because he wants to build a relationship with his children. Your children."

"Why don't you try and let him do his responsibilities as a father to his children Soo. Remember this, you are not the only one who created the triplets, so don't be selfish." I look at him worriedly.


"If you want my opinion, that's my suggestion for you. It is actually on you. In this kind of situation, you have to think practically Jisoo. Don't let the past be the barrier of what you truly feels." I did not respond as I am trying to process the words he said.

"I went here to check on you. You better take a rest now. I already ask to tightened the security. And just go with the flow, follow what your heart says." He was about to leave but I ask him one more thing.

"Is that why you forgave Rosè that easily?" He froze and head his sigh.

"I forgave her that easily because I learned to let go the past Soo. I just realize that, holding on from what happened before makes the situation more difficult and painful. So I decided to give a chance and chose to be happy. And we're happy now." I can see that.

"And I wish you to do the same."

"Gotta go now Soo. Take a rest." He finally left, closing the door shut.

Don't let the past be the barrier of what I truly feels.

What do I really feel?
What do I really want?

I did not even notice that I fell asleep last nigh in the couch.

I woke up, hearing the birds chirps outside. I frowned when I notice the blanket on me. Did I grab a blanket last night? I don't think so. Probably it's Jimin.

I look at my two boys who is still peacefully sleeping not so far from me. I stood up and went towards them to greet them a good morning. I got startled when someone knocked on the door and swang it open revealing Jungkook, carrying two basket of fruits.

I look at him. Raising my left brow, as he look at me as well.

"It's not for you, it's for my kids." He continued to walk and headed towards the kitchen. I started to arrange and organize Luke and Luca's things on the shelves.

"How's your sleep?" He ask, out of the blue.


"I'm not asking you. I ask the kids." I stopped doing what I did and turn to look at him who's on his way towards the bed where Luca is. Analyzing the kid's face.

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