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She slowly walk towards me. She kept scanning me from head to toe. I look at Veronica and chuckled at her cute reaction.

"What are you waiting for? You're not gonna hug me?"I said opening my arms for her to hug me.

She dropped her bag and run to hug me so tight. I wrapped my arms around her smelling her hair. Gosh how I missed her so damn much. She grew taller and beautiful. It made me tear up.

I pulled from the hug and kissed her forehead.

"You're back." She whispered. I wipe her tears using my thumb.

I bet, our parents didn't let her know that I'm back obviously.

"Shit."Veronica cursed pointing at me. While her other hand covers her mouth in shocked.

"S-she. You're Kim Jisoo?. The popular student here? You're the reason why the school build a mini museum here. Stella! she's your sister?"She still couldn't believe. She smiled at me and wave her hand.

"Mrs.Park is right. You really look like a goddess."She added clapping her hands.

"Thank you." I get that a lot. People talks about my beauty.

"I came here to fetch you. Want to eat dinner with me?"I ask Stella as she nodded her head vigorously.

"But before that can you join me visiting the so called Mini Museum for me?"

"Of course. I miss you so much unnie. I have a lot to tell you." She excitedly said and held my hand after wearing her bag pack again.

I look at Veronica and smile.

"We're going first my new friend." I pat her head and left with Stella. I saw her wave a goodbye to her best friend who's still probably stunned because of me. Am I really that popular? Even the new generation here in this school knows me.

Me and Stella went inside the museum. It's not that big though. The light were dimmed. There was this glass boxes in every inch of the area.

I saw my pictures in a frames on the wall. There's a picture of me playing a drum, singing, cleaning the library. Me and Jungkook fighting. Lisa and me with all bruises face and messy hair and the one on the middle was the very huge picture frame of me on a flowery dress. Sitting on the garden reading a book.

I stared at the picture knowing who took that photo for me. Tsk how ironic.

I continued walking around. I look at the glass boxes and saw my expensive fountain pen, together with my Gucci pencil case it's not totally a pencil case it's just a pouch from the designer brand Gucci and made it my pencil case.

" We all have that one pen that makes your handwriting beautiful."

There's a small old sticky note with my calligraphy on it too, I wrote that when I was bored tho.

Fountain pens are the best. Despite their pleasing Aesthetic, fountain pens are more than an attractive writing tool.They also transform the experience of writing by hand and improve handwriting.

Fountain pens are better than ballpoint pens because they are more comfortable to hold, and smoother to write with, and can create line variations with their flexible nibs. They are more customizable, with a vast range of ink colors to choose from.

Especially, I used to write my diary back then. Speaking about the diary where is it right now? As far as I remember I left it inside my locker. Let me check it out there later.

I moved at the next thing. I saw the... lollipop Wrapper. The hell? Are they serious? A candy wrapper?

"Jisoo's day wouldn't complete without sucking her lollipop in a cooler way."

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