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Jisoo's Pov

I was sitting at the garden's bench. Doing stargazing. I was wearing my night dress and a piece of shawl since it's pretty cold outside. Everyone have already gone towards their own bedrooms sleeping including Luna and Luke.

I was just staring above me. Missing my sister, longing for her kisses,hugs, and....lame jokes to make me smile when I was so down. I miss my Luca too.

"Hey."I look up seeing Jimin who just arrived. I widened my eyes looking behind him surprised.

"What are you doing here? It's late."I ask and chuckled before taking a sit beside me.

"Aren't I'm the one who's supposed to ask you about that?" He asked back. I look back at the dark sky. Already knowing what is he doing here. Namjoon or Taehyung have probably told him to do something.

"I know everything what's running in your mind." He started but I just remained quiet.

"I'm.." my tears fell nonstop.

"I'm fucking tired..." I want to let go already.

I finally have the courage to cry in front of my cousin. I was so heartbroken. This is more painful than the pain when he cheated on me. No... it's all painful. Thinking that the moment Luna and Luke will find out that I'm lying to them about their father. I don't want them to hate me because I took their right away to meet their father. But I can't let them near him if he won't change. If he will never ever accept his mistake.

I pity my self. I pity my kids. We are so pathetic. This is all my fault.

He pulled me for a hug as I was still crying my heart out.

"It's okay to cry just cry and cry until you'll feel okay. I'm here Jisoo."I cried more when he kissed the top of my head.

I appreciate his care and love towards me and my kids. When I'm so down I would just run to him and cry like a baby like what I am doing right now.

I stopped crying and wipe my tears. I sat straight and breathe out a heavy sigh.

"I bet you already know about it right? He introduced his new girlfriend to you guys earlier."I said and he nodded. I furrowed my brows when he sudden chuckled.

"And our lunch didn't go well. Jennie and Lisa was ready to beat him up as Rosé was so ready to grabbed that woman's hair because of how rude she was."I look at him checking if he's lying or not.

Gold digger whore..

"I missed a scene then."I said and he nodded. We are silent for so long not until he spoke again.

"Take a day off. One month break can do Jisoo. Please rest and have more time with your kids. Stay here for the time being. Don't worry about your company. I'll ask Jihyo to manage it for a few months and about your work in the hospital. Your Dad had already took care of it-"

"Wait. What do you mean?"I ask still confused what he just said.

"Me and your siblings and Mom and Dad including our friends except of him and his new slut. Did a small meeting on the other day when you're out for a overtime work at your company."I nodded still listening.

"You're not mentally okay. You're stressed so we decided to give you rest for two  or more months. Please listen and to us-"

"Fine I will, so stop nagging at me now." Maybe they're right. I was so selfless. I forgot to take care of myself because of how worried I a. for my children Luke and Luna. Luca's condition. Tzuyu was stressing herself to studies and my overload works. I need a break.

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