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Jisoo's pov

Two day's had already pass and still here I am, staying inside Jungkook's Bedroom. Both of us doesn't want to sleep in the guest room so he decided to sleep on his sofa instead. I know he's been struggling to sleep there every night but dude it not like I don't trust him-no I don't really trust him but he took care of me for these past few days. So I've been making this decision for a quite long. I'm a letting him sleep beside me. Yes you fucking heard me right. My conscience won't take it anymore. Bitch I know I'm a daredevil or whatever people called me because I am a fucking evil but daaamnn I still do have a small conscience okay? especially I'm staying here on his territory. Jeon's territory.. I am not a shameless bitch after all.

Now I'm laying on his bed obviously trying to get sleep after eating my breakfast. Jungkook's parents went out to somewhere and said they'll come back after the so called business trip even though it's too obvious that they're going to have their vacation. I don't have anything to do so all I did was lay on the bed stare at nowhere and even sometimes started to overthink and cry silently. Jungkook came in from time to time to check on me and bring some food and snack or drinks. Awww how I wish he'll do that after all this deal or whatever it is gets done. But that bastard is clever as fuck he'll do anything just to make me pay for his struggles while I am on this shitty condition. Is this my fault?no it is my twin brother's stupidity.

I look at the door where Jungkook just came in. He look at me but I just rolled my eyes and averted my attention outside the window again. Staring at the very very blue sky. I even heard the birds chirping, the wind sounds peacefully. But my life? I don't think so. I felt the bed move indicating that someone just sat beside me.

"Let me watch a movie is that okay?" NO!!! but of course this is his room. His room his rules.

"Do whatever you want. Just let me rest peacefully." I answered lifelessly.

"I changed my mind. I'll just rest here beside you." I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him who's getting under the blanket as well and stare outside the window where I was looking at. And bitch he's been a very gentleman these days but of course I know this is all part of the deal he was talking about that day.

"Still not talking to them?" I heard him. I hummed as my response. I don't have time to fight with him so I choose not to teased or annoy him unless he'll do something that made me upset,mad,and annoyed. Girl that's wold war 3.

But he's not that bad tho.

"Jin and Namjoon hyung are worried about you. You should at least let them explain-"

"Stop." I cut him off. I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears from falling. I bit my lower lip preventing the sobs who's trying to escaped my lips. I'm still upset okay? I can't blame myself for that. They're planning to send me away and the reason? because I don't want to follow what they want. Because of how I disobey them. And them by doing that? I realize that both of them are just like Mom and Dad. They'll control and manipulate me like what our parents always does towards me and it's because I'm a girl. And girls is not strong and couldn't do anything good that's what they think. But I changed. I won't let anyone get into me. Blocking my sister's dream that I'm going to continue later on. I won't let anyone belittling me. I won't let anyone decide for me. I have my own decisions and it's final.

I'll do it myself.

"I don't want to talk about it Jeon." I said more on whisper.

"I know were enemies like forever Kim. But you can talk to me anytime." I scoffed hearing his words.

"Trying to be nice?"I chuckled.

"It's not like I have any choice you're here in my house so I need to take responsibility for taking care of you or your brother's will kill me. You know how much I love myself right?" I wanted to laugh at his words well that helps a little bit.

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