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Author's pov

Jisoo and Jungkook are now inside the Principal's office with Lisa waiting for the principal to arrive. Jungkook glared at Jisoo laying the side of his cheeks on his fist. Jisoo glared back to him. Lisa sighed getting tired at their staring contest.

The door opened revealing the school's principal..Jisoo sat straight
clearing her throat.

"Can you explain what happened Ms.Kim?"Jisoo nodded as Lisa stood behind her since she's involve in this shit.

"Those huge men suddenly went inside the cafeteria and started to beat the students-"she was cut off when Jungkook spoke

"And if it's not because of you they wouldn't barge in and beat some of the students!"He exclaimed. Jisoo send him her death glare.

"What do you mean Mr.Jeon?"Jungkook smirk before telling the truth.

"Mrs.Park, before today's incident this girl right here got herself into a huge trouble outside the school with those gangsters, and look what she have done!!"Jungkook said crossing his arms. Jisoo felt guilty inside but never shows it. She admitted that it is all her fault. But she didn't expect that those body builders assholes will ambush their school. Jungkook averted his attention towards her and scoff.

"And dragged our school in her shits."He added. Jisoo clenches her teeth wanted to pull his front teeth out of his god damn gums.

"Mrs. Park we did that thing because we have our valid reason. We saw that man harassing a girl and we just helped her. Is helping that girl bad?"Lisa said truthfully blinking her eyes.

"Yes, Mrs.Park you can ask the girl though. I heard she studied here as well."Jisoo spok. Jungkook let out a scoff again and it made Jisoo annoyed.

"Can you fucking stop scoffing around?"Jisoo yelled at him.

"See Mrs.Park? she's bullying me!"He said rubbing his knee. Jisoo kicked his knee because of how annoying he was.

"Okay since you already tell the truth, Ms.Kim and Ms.Manoban your punishment will be cleaning the whole library after school you can go now."Lisa and Jisoo's eyes widened as they never ever tried to do chores or cleaning. That's how rich they are.

"But. We already tell the truth right?"Lisa said, Jisoo look at the guy who's smirking at her sticking his tongue out.

"Yes. but it doesn't mean I'll let you go after what happened today. Because of you a lot of students got hurt violently now go."Jisoo look at her and sigh.

"Mrs.Park."She called trying to complain.

"Stop complaining unless you wanted me to close the music club forever?" The principal threatened as Jisoo shook her head and left without saying any words. Jungkook look at her curiously. Jisoo being to obsessed of music is something. Lisa throw a side glare at him as she followed Jisoo.

"You can go now Mr.Jeon."Jungkook stood up and bowed his head.


Taehyung,Jin and Namjoon waited for Jisoo on the living room. It's already 6:00pm but Jisoo's appearance in their house is no where to be found even a single shadow. She's supposedly arrived home at 4:30pm.

"That brat! I'm going to murder h-"he got cut off when the huge door opened revealing a furious Jisoo."

"Yo-"Jisoo cut her older brother off.

"Shut up!!"She yelled and walked straight towards the kitchen. Jin was taken a back at her sudden attitude. Even the other two widened their eyes. Jisoo never yelled at Jin. Never.

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