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Author's pov

On the following days. Jisoo had immersed herself in her work. Spending the entire day at the hospital. Volunteering to perform the other doctor's operation and then heading straight to her company to sign a bunch of papers.

Everyone was worried about her because she had been depressed since the day she returned home that day. She barely spoke and  always say she's fine whenever they tried too ask her if she's okay.

Jin was aware that something's wrong but he chose to remain silent in order to not interfere with her business. And he doesn't want her to stress out.

"Ms.Kim. the J group has declined your business partnership cancellation letter."Jisoo look up to her secretary with her burning gaze. Ashirami looked down waiting to get scolded by her boss.

Hearing Jisoo's heavy sigh. She unbuttoned her blouse's two buttons to loosen up a little bit. She was so stressed out from her full-time job. The hospital and then her family. Her children was longing for her presence. Her hugs and kisses but she couldn't offer it to them for the time being. She need to do something just to forget what happened between them. She has to avoid him form now on.

She is having a bad day and she needed someone to console her and help her to feel better but she doesn't want to bother anyone, so she decided to keep it all to herself. She bared all of her hardships in order to avoid exploding and she added the fact that Jungkook had declined her cancellation letter again. She doesn't want to work with him anymore that's why she sends him a cancellation letter of their business partnership.

"Send it again." She command.

"But Ma'am, it's been 99th time he declined our letter-"

"Are you complaining now?" She said firmly.

"N-no Ma'am. I apologize about that."Ash bowed at her and left to send the letter again.

Jisoo stood up and went out grabbing her cigarettes and lighter she bought days ago.

She exited her office and walked directly into the elevator. There were other employees going to use the elevator. But they paved the way for their boss and let her use the elevator alone due to their fear. Especially they notice her woke up in a wrong side of bed this past few days.

Everyone in her firm was taken aback by her sudden personality change. The Kim Jisoo they remembered from the ribbon-cutting event was nothing like the Jisoo they are witnessing now.

Getting out from the elevator and went inside the emergency exit to smoke. Opening the box of her cigarettes and took out the last one.

She scoffed at the thought that she didn't even notice that she almost smoke two to three times a day because of how stressed she was.

She lightened up the cigarette before bringing it near her mouth and blow a huge amount of smoke.

Dying slowly is a great idea.

She thought.


Namjoon opened their main door seeing Jisoo was soaked from the rain. Her eyes we're all swollen and she stinks.

"For the love of God. Did you drink again huh?"He tiredly ask. Jisoo went inside. Ignoring his presence. She was struggling to walk and fell on the floor.

Namjoon shook his head in disbelief and went to help her. He tried to grab her arm to help but she shook her head whining.

"My ankle hurts. Jisoo can't walk oppa." She said completely out of her mind.

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