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Namjoon's pov.

When I arrived here in the Amsterdam. I cancelled my appointment here and went straight towards the location my friend sent me.

I'm riding a taxi right now. Amsterdam is such a great country. The weather is warm and the fresh air is just so calming.

"We're here sir." The driver said and I pay him. I went out from the car waiting for it to leave. I turn around and saw a simple big house that was made by bricks, and trees around it.

I went closer at the small gate and opened it. I walked towards the main door and reach for the door bell. It's still early in the morning I hope my hard work just to come here will be worthy.

I hope I didn't bother anyone.

I pressed the doorbell again.

"Luna. Can you open the door for me please?" A familiar soft voice was heard from inside. I felt my knees trembled but I want to do this. I want to see her.

"Yes mommy!" Not so long the door opened revealing a avery cute little girl. She has this pointy nose and heart shape lips her skin was so white and look so soft. Her black hair falling above her shoulder and small strands of her bangs.

Her big doe eyes she totally looks like...her.

"Hello Mister. Do you have any appointment with my mom?"She ask softly. I smiled at her nodding my head. She speaks English so well.

"Yah..why took you so long!"Another Kid showed up fitting himself trying to see me too.

And fuck why does he look like-

"Kids what took you so lo-" Their mother's voice getting near indicating that she went to see me as well. She cut her words when her eyes met mine.

She's here. I finally saw her. I found her...

I found my sister.

"N-namjoon. What are you doing here?" She spoke. It's my first time hearing her voice for 9 years. It change as well.

"Mommy. Who is he?"The boy ask with his innocent eyes looking at me confused.

"Go and eat your breakfast kiddos. I'll follow later."She said. The two kids hurriedly went in. I can even hear their voices fighting over a bread.

I stared at her. She look so mature now. Her brown hair was resting until below of her chest, she has a bangs. And she grew taller.

My tears automatically fell. I didn't say anything and just pulled her for a tight hug.

"I...i missed you so damn much!!"I said caressing her hair.

"Hey." She tried to push me away.

I pulled from the hug and check her appearance more closer. She look so beautiful.

"Let's get inside it's cold." She said dragging me inside her home. So this is where she lives for a long time.

"Want some drinks? Come and join us for breakfast." She said dragging me towards her dining area. The house were simple from outside but when you go in it looks really elegant.

What is she do for living?

"Here. I only toasted some bread and fried some sunny side up."

"What do you want? Milk or coffee?" She look so nervous. And I know it's because of me.  But she owe me an explanation.

"I'm fine. Stop panicking it's just me."I said and smile at her. She nodded calming her self down.

"And don't worry. I didn't tell anyone that I already found you. I don't want to scare you." I added. She just nodded her head and smile.

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