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Jungkook's pov

Guilt. After Jisoo explained everything earlier, about her life, seeing her cry vulnerably make me feel guilty.

I shouldn't have judged her on the first place without knowing what she's been going through.

Base on her looks, you couldn't exactly tell that she's been going through all of that.

Those are to heavy for her to swallow and endure.

If she should've told me earlier about it? I would've probably help her, I knew it from the very start that there's a problem on her. She suddenly changed and it shocked us. She chose to fight with me and break our small friendship, dragging her friend's with her and started to hate us.

Because of her selfishness,my chance for being with the girl I like vanished away..
Because that person I loved suddenly changed, Jisoo suddenly changed.

Jisoo was my first love. She was beautiful, pure ,sweet,lovely,and kind and those personality of her made me love her more deeper...but everything has change in one blink.

But I can't blame her now. I understand her and I'm ready to forgive her. My shoulder are ready for her to cry on. I'm ready to like her. To love her again and be there for her no matter what. Because she needs someone to lean on.

When I say that Rosé is my crush? I actually could not find out. Yes Rosèanne as a sweet girl and pretty too. But I couldn't bare it if Jisoo was not around. And I'll take that as a sign for me to pursue her. Not now but soon.

"For fucking sake when will you guys will start your damn explaination?" I was startled and snapped on my own thoughts when Jennie noona's voice echoes the whole house. I look at Jisoo who's sitting beside me as her legs were placed on my lap.

It feels like we're on a hotseat being interviewed by a bunch of reporters. Like hello we may look like a famous celebrity but were not.

"Jeon Jungkook! My ankle!!" Ohh yeah I forgot, I look at Jisoo's ankle who's wrapped up with bandage. I took it off and massage it gently.

"Ohh gosh I never expect you guys being like this. Are you dating? Did you guys kiss? Did-"

"Why? Is there something wrong if we really do?" I look at her and then the others nodding my head. It's part of our challenge as well. And I'ma enjoy this two weeks with my Girlfriend named Kim Jisoo.

"Really?" Rosé ask. I look at her and smile. Nodding my head.

"Guys! What so shocked about that? Yes we're dating is there anything wrong with that?"And there. She's already annoyed. I look at the others and make an expression that would be enough for them to understand what I'm trying to say.

That they need to stop or my baby will get mad. I saw Yoongi hyung smirked at me.

"Kookie-yah...gentle!" I averted my attention towards her and apologetically smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

Author's pov

The whole living room was quiet except for the so called lovers who's still in the middle of their cringe cuddles. Taehyung arrived and was shocked as well. Jungkook and Jisoo are now laughing at them secretly. Because of their reactions.

"Why don't we watch a Movie? And stop staring at us." Jungkook said. Jisoo moved to sit on his lap playing on his hair.

"Pulling some pranks on them's kinda fun." She whispered made Jungkook chuckled earning the other's attention.

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