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Jisoo's pov.

It's been three months since that night. I've been looking out for Stella and even learned how to cook just for her. I bought a fortuner car for myself to send her in her new school and to fetch her also.

The moment she came into my life, I knew that she'll completely going to change my messy life. And I was not wrong. Never in my life that I felt relief and genuinely happy.

"Babe. You're not even listening to me." I look at the guy who's laying on my lap and rolled my eyes at him. Instead of joining the others in the cafeteria for lunch. Jungkook and I went here on the Campus Garden. It's quite big. A wonderful view, a fresh air. I was reading a book well it's sounds weird isn't it? I don't know if I did already change and brought myself back. But I'm trying. That the important thing. Jungkook change me in any ways. I left all my hobbies like, purposely bumping someone because I wanted a fight. My sweets addiction and facing my gadgets like almost the whole day. And now instead of playing PUBG in my phone. Boy I fucking bought a damn books. I just suddenly got interested in books especially novel books. My grades improves as well and not to be brag. I made it on the rank one in my class.

"What do you want babe?" I ask him still reading the book. And it's been three months since I became this bastard's official girlfriend.

"Nothing." He answered and scoffed. I look down at him seeing his eyes closed the sun hits his face perfectly. His long lashes touches his under eyes.

I closed the book and put it beside me caressing his cheeks.

"Stop being grumpy now babe. I'm listening now look."I added but he's still not opening his eyes. I lean closer and pecked his lips made him startled a little bit.

"Go ahead and talk, I'll listen."He rolled his eyes and shifted to face my tummy hugging my waist.

"What is your dream house?" He ask. I look around and feel the warm and comfortable breeze thinking for a while. A simple but elegant two story house. With a very very wide garden.

"I want a simple but elegant house. Enough for our family on the future. A two story house. A wide garden at the backyard and a swimming pool." I heard him chuckle made me raise my left eyebrow.

"I expect you to say that you wanted a Mansion." He held my hand planting kisses on it.

"Well now you know what I want." He look at me straight in the eyes as I look back at him as well.

"Please don't ever leave me kook."I absentmindedly said made him sit straight still looking at me. His eyes shows worries.

"Why would I? You know how much I love you right?" I nodded and hug him. Please be faithful Jeon. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I fell deeply in love with you so damn much.


"So how was school?" I ask when Stella went at the back seat. I locked the car door and drove off.

"It was great unnie. My classmates are very nice. How 'bout you?" I chuckled and look at her through the rare view mirror.

"It was great as well. Thanks for asking though."

"I miss you so much Jisoo unnie and I miss your kimchi fried rice!!" She squealed made rolled my eyes playfully.

"You know you can't eat heavy foods in evening or you'll get sick. Tomorrow I promise I'll make one for you." I saw her sad but quickly smile genuinely.

"You really sound like mom. She always says that." My smile vanished when she talked about her. I sounded like her? I wish I was not. I don't want to be like her.

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