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Jisoo's pov.

Guin unnie were staying in our house.  She's sleeping beside me making sure that I'm fine. She's singing me a song caressing my belly. All I could do is crying silently.

It's really hard for me accepting that I am pregnant. But it's already here. Abort the baby? No I'm not a murderer. That's not a good idea. I need to raise him or her maybe it's the only thing who can help me stand up on my own feet again. I felt so empty and so lonely. I was left broken.

I am sitting on my balcony's mini swings enjoying the fine weather. I didn't told my family about the baby. I decided to keep my baby for myself. I decided not to tell anyone. And I already decided to leave quietly. I want some time to think a lot of things. Guin unnie will bring me with her in Amsterdam. Jimin will go back in States as well. Jihyo will shut her mouth because she doesn't want anyone to bother me. I don't know if I'll come back or what, but I've really decided to continue my life there with Guin unnie. Jimin knows about my plan too and he said he'll support me no matter what. He's still broken from what happened so do I. I was just so thankful that Guin unnie will sing for me so that I can sleep and I'm really grateful for that.

I appreciate all the things they did for me especially Jihyo. She's taking the risk to help me secretly without the others knowing about my plan.

"Jisoo.."I heard Guin unnie's voice. I look at her and smile softly.

"Let's go to my OB. We need to make sure that the baby is healthy."She said in a whisper way so that no one will hear us.

I just nodded and get ready for the checkup.


"Congratulations Ms.Kim you're Five weeks pregnant." The OB doctor said and I only smiled at her. I don't have any appetite to talk to anyone. It's either nodding my head and humm as my response to them. I just can't.

Mom and Dad found out about what happened but instead of comforting me. They're still saying that Jungkook didn't mean to do that. To cheat on me with my own best friend. Ridiculous right? Somi kept messaging me and apologising and I said it's fine. It's not her fault. Yesterday was the last time I sent her my last message and after that. I cut all my ties with them. I broke my phone and flush it in the toilet bowl.

"Your babies is healthy. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Drink milk and not coffee. Avoid eating some oily foods and please take your vitamins-"I furrowed my eyebrows realizing what she just said before that.


"Wait a second. What do you mean babies?" I ask. She he look at me and smile warmly.

"Take a look Ms.Kim." the doctor pointed the three shadows on the monitor. "You're having triplets Ms.Kim."

I gape my mouth in shock. I look at Guin unnie who's tearing up now.

I'm gonna push three person out of me after nine months. Am I gonna die?


We are in our way to go home. Guinevere unnie was the one who's driving the car. It's getting dark as well. Jin hyung called me and said we need to go home because we need to eat dinner.

Upon arriving at home. I furrowed my eyebrows seeing some familiar cars it was my friends car including their cars.

"Guin unnie. What are they doing here?"I ask. I look at her and shook her head she was clueless as well.

We both went in and saw them all at the living room. Obviously waiting for me. Aunt Jessie and uncle Jungsuk was  there as well. Somi smiled at me sadly and I smiled back at her.

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