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Jisoo's pov

A mellow music started to play on the background. Everyone's heads turns towards the entrance seeing my twin brother, walking down the aisle with his white suit. His hair was brushed up on the side. He grew up so we'll. It was so surreal. It feels like it was just yesterday when we talked about our weddings on the future and now here he is. Marrying the love of his life, although he's giving me a cold shoulder and barely giving me some glances. I'm still proud of him.

I can feel my tears were pooling inside my eyes. A lot of tears. I don't know if it's tears of joy because my brother is already marrying someone or it's because I'm jealous of him for having his love life and will start his own family.

I saw everyone in our table turned their heads towards me in my peripheral vision. I couldn't  stop but to I let out a sob. But I quickly bit my lips to stifle it.

Our eyes met from afar as he quickly look away. My heart hurts when he acts this way but I deserve it though.

"Sweetie-"I heard my mother called me but I stood up and took my purse with me.

"I'm going to the restroom." My voice cracked and hurriedly left the table and headed towards the dressing room.

I close the door and lock it.

I lean my back on the door before crouching down slowly and finally bursted Into tears. He's mad at me. My twin brother is mad at me and I understand because I left and didn't show myself for nine fucking years. I never wanted to leave like that and didn't show myself for that so long. If it  wasn't because of my son's Illness, that I had to leave him in the hospital after giving birth on him because of having a heart failure. If it's not because I had to send him in the hospital for weekly checkups, if it's not  because he's struggling to breathe every night before sleeping, if I did just gave birth to him healthily, I would've have come home earlier than nine years. But I cannot explain my side to them, that's how coward I am. I'm a fucking coward. No matter how much I tried to be strong I am still a coward and I want to fucking give up. But my kids needs me...they need their Mother.

I stood up and breathe out a heavy breath. Calming myself down. I went to face the mirror inside the dressing room. I then grab a handful of tissue and started to fix myself up and retouch my make up.

I'll be good. I'm fine..

I went back outside and sighed again. I went to walk back to our table and sit on my seat beside Jungkook.

"Are you okay Mom?"Tzuyu mouthed at me.I smiled and nodded.

I look at Jennie who's already on the middle of the aisle. Holding a bouquet of flowers. Wearing her fitted mermaid wedding gown and a wedding veil place above her head. She look so beautiful.

She look at our way and wave at us happily. She looks so happy. I know my brother will take care of her. And I know that she will take care of him too. Taehyung is now in a good hands.


"From the moment our paths crossed, you've surprised me, you've distracted me, you've captivated me, and challenged me in a way that no human being ever has." Taehyung started his vow, making everyone tearing up. Jennie was already crying silently in front of him.

"I've fallen In love with you again and again, countless times, without reservation,and I still can't believe that today I get to marry my  twin sister's best friend.

I promise to be true to you,
To uplift and support you,
To frustrate and challenge you,
And to share with you the beautiful moments of life.

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