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Jisoo's pov.

His answer made me teared up. How could he do this to me. Does he really enjoy making me feel, mad?

"No.. it's not like that. "

"Then what? You've already said it-ahh"I was squeaked when he held my waist pulling me to sit on his lap. Hugging my waist. What the heck is he doing?

"When are you going to listen to me huh?" He whispered in my ears.

"Answer me. Do I look like a slut to you?" I don't know if it's me or the alcohol who's starting to effect on me?

I think both?

"Look at me." He held my chin to face him. I saw him looking straight at my collarbone-wait he saw it. My tattoo...

He brought his hand to caressed it made me shiver.

I saw the side of his lips rose up in amusement.

"You're asking me if you're a slut in my eyes huh?" His hand traveled on my thighs caressing it.


"Yes. My answer is yes." I glared at him and was about to leave when he pulled me down again capturing my lips I was about to push him again when he held the back of my head and deepened his kiss.

He lean on my ear and whisper in his husky and manly voice.

"My slut..."

I bit my lower lips when his hand travels on my clothed mound. Squishing it lightly. I closed my eyes and held into his tattooed veiny arm. It's been years since the last time I felt this.

"You can dance like a slut in front of me. Only me." He sternly said. The hem of my dress have already rolled up and was about to rolled it down when he held my  hand kissing it.

N-no this is not right. I should go

"Let me go." I said trying to get away from him, but his grip was too strong.

"You don't have any idea how I feel earlier. Seeing those horny bastard fantasizing you." I stared at his sacred eyes. "I wanted to rip them apart."

Sit felt like something put a rock on my throat made me unable to talk. I let him talk. I let his hand roamed around my body, freely. I should not let him do this to me. I should not let my guard down. But those are ruined because of this man.

His hands went on my upper thighs  purposely touching my clothed private part made me shiver.

I let out a faint moan when he slid his hand inside my underwear. I look at him as he was already looking at me too. Obviously watching my reaction.

I was breathing so fast as my body started to heat.

My heels was already off because it twisted my ankle earlier.

Middle finger

I opened my mouth when he pushed it in. I missed this feeling.

He started to move it in and out. Purposely slowing his pace because I was looking so impatient.

"Ughh~"I moaned again when he suddenly added another finger and went deeper almost reaching my G spot.

"Take this off." He whispered referring to my undies. I didn't hesitate to do what he said and slid it down throwing it at the back seat.

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