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Jungkook's pov.

I watched them leaving the restaurant. I felt strange when Jisoo came back from the restroom, her nose are swollen as she wore her shades did she cry?

"Hyung.."I called Taehyung hyung beside, who's just looking down.

I know he's mad at me for being the reason why his sister left for so many years,and he's mad at Jisoo for leaving as well.

"What?"he answered coldly.

"Nothing" I said and shook my head.

Why do she seems hiding something from us? And about the kids, I don't want to say this to them but I oddly can see myself on them.

"Is there anything wrong Kook?"Jin hyung nudge my elbow, I look at him and sigh.

Jimin, he came back as well. Is he going to stay here because tomorrow is Tae's wedding or, he's going to stay here for good? Why do he always sticking up with Jisoo? I don't like it, seeing him smirking while Jisoo was being too sweet on him I know they were just cousin but still, that Oliver guy is not here anymore and I want to make a move on her, but this Jimin guy...is blocking me for fucks sake.

But she's married Kook.

Who cares? I want her back, every inch of her I want it all back.

And if she's really married then why didn't she wear any ring? I smirk at that idea.

9 years had already passed but you're still bad at lying my loves. Pretending to be a married woman huh? You can't fool me. Atleast this time.

"I think he's crazy."Lisa said pointing at me. I look up at them seeing that they're looking at me like I'm a weirdo.

I smiled and stood up.

"See you guys tomorrow. I need to go. Some important matters in the company."I said and didn't let them respond when I already left.

Jisoo's pov.

I was sitting on the chair beside Luca's bed I was just staring at his face holding his hand. Jimin was already in the guest room and already sleeping. I know he's still awake and is still thinking of the girl he unexpectedly met earlier.

Tch, he acts like a rock earlier and now  he's crying his ass now.

"Wake up now love. I thought you want to see your daddy? Luke and Luna have already met him but they don't have any idea that he is your Father tho. What should I do? Would you like to help mommy?"I ask him. How I miss him so much.

I was scared I don't know if I could make it when I lose one of my kids including Tzuyu. I couldn't handle so much pain anymore.

It's just already too much. And I'm tired of fighting it.

"Do you want mommy to describe Daddy hmm?"I softly. Caressing his cheeks.

"The both of you had the same face.  You're a carbon copy of him. You are the mini Jeon Jungkook."

I chuckled at my own imagination. Jungkook holding Luca's hand, as both of them was heading on his office, being all too serious.

"He has this, beautiful eyes, long lashes, well shaped nose, kissable lips,bunny teeth,and he's so hot."I said and laugh.

And I know you can be as hot as him if you grew up.

"So wake up now Lucarrie and see him yourself." I look at him and averted at the machines who's helping him to breathe. The oxygen. The IV that attached in his hand. The medicine that helps him fight everyday and everynight.

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